1 seriously injured after fireworks shoot into crowd at Stadium of Fire

Trending 3 days ago

PROVO (KSL.com) — At slightest 1 personification was earnestly injured erstwhile a mates of stray fireworks struck nan crowd astatine nan Stadium of Fire ceremony successful Provo Thursday evening.

Videos recorded from nan stands astatine LaVell Edwards Stadium show respective errant fireworks alert into nan stands conscionable arsenic nan pitchy flyover was being introduced astatine nan yearly America’s Freedom Festival fireworks show and performance connected Independence Day. State troopers and Provo constabulary told KSL aggregate group successful nan eastbound conception of stands were struck, including 1 personification who was deed successful nan look and earnestly hurt.

That personification was taken to nan infirmary via ambulance.

Soon aft nan fireworks landed successful nan stands, hundreds of group began yelling and waving their arms to telephone for aesculapian attraction for those who were struck. The show was concisely paused while responders attended to nan injured, but resumed astir 9 p.m.

More accusation was not instantly available.

Fireworks sprout into assemblage astatine Stadium of Fire pic.twitter.com/hbf5ZXOgK0

— Bradley Talbot (@the_bradpad) July 5, 2024

Stadium of Fire ? temporarily halted nan show arsenic fireworks dispersed into nan crowd – spot video astatine nan end. A fewer group look to beryllium getting aesculapian attention. Crazy. #StadiumOfFire pic.twitter.com/qohUSJ7RLm

— Michael Jensen (@braddahmike) July 5, 2024

Source east idaho news
east idaho news