This section of Addressing Alaskans features nan Anchorage Economic Development Corporation’s 2024 Economic Development Luncheon. AEDC President and CEO, Jenna Wright, presents results of economical assurance surveys and updates connected Anchorage’s occupation market. AEDC besides discusses their economical connection to put successful nan metropolis called “Choose Anchorage.” Presenters besides see Anchorage Mayor Suzanne LaFrance, who gives an update connected her first weeks successful office, and keynote speaker, Andrew Busch, who discusses economical trends that could impact Alaska.

Anchorage Economic Development Corporation website
AEDC Research and Reports

RELATED: Anchorage businesses are optimistic for nan future, caller study shows

Ammon Swenson is Alaska Public Media’s Audio Media Content Producer. He was calved and raised successful Anchorage, Alaska. He graduated from UAA successful 2018 pinch a bachelor’s grade successful publicity and integrated media. He’s antecedently worked for KRUA radio, nan Anchorage Press, and The Northern Light.