Two juxtaposed photos, 1 of a beluga, and 1 of a polar bear.Cook Inlet belugas and polar bears are 2 iconic Alaskan type that person been protected by nan Endangered Species Act. (Beluga photograph by Paul Wade/NOAA, Polar Bear photograph by Matt Faubion/Alaska Public Media)

Environmental authorities that was passed successful nan 1970s has aimed to protect air, water, ungraded and animals. One of nan largest laws, nan Endangered Species Act, is 50 years old, and done nan decades nan Act has helped galore type retrieve and thrive. How has a quickly changing ambiance affected listing petitions and nan measurement plans are developed for recovery? What are nan effects connected nan system erstwhile type are listed? What occurrence stories does nan Act person successful protecting Alaskan animals? We talk nan bequest of nan Endangered Species Act connected this Talk of Alaska


HOST: Lori Townsend


  • Dr. Steve Amstrup, Professor Emeritus, Polar Bears International, Former USGS Polar Bear Researcher
  • Verena Gill, Supervisory Biologist, NOAA Fisheries Protected Resources Division


  • Alaska Beluga Monitoring Program
  • Belugas Count! An yearly organization arena to look for, count, and study astir Cook Inlet belugas
  • Paper from Dr. Amstrup connected really to see greenhouse state emissions for ESA decisions


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LIVE Broadcast: Tuesday, May 14, 2024 astatine 10:00 a.m. connected APRN stations statewide.

Lori Townsend is nan news head and elder big for Alaska Public Media. You tin nonstop her news tips and programme ideas for Talk of Alaska and Alaska Insight astatine aliases telephone 907-550-8452.