A Homer business takes a local approach to brewing mead, with help from thousands of bees

Trending 1 month ago
Jason Davis holds a framework from 1 of his honeybee hives, successful nan gait of his meadery successful Homer, AK. (Jamie Diep/KBBI)

On an early summertime morning, amidst nan dense buzz of energetic honeybees, Jason Davis opened 1 of his hives and pulled retired a frame. It was dense pinch bees and much crawled successful and retired of nan entrances of colorful stacks of polypropylene boxes that surrounded him.  

“As soon arsenic they commencement landing, you’ll spot that they person small balls of yellowish aliases orangish pollen connected their legs,” Davis said. 

Davis has 20 5 colonies, complete a cardinal bees, successful nan backyard of his meadery successful Homer, Sweetgale Meadworks and Cider House. 

“This is simply a happy time for nan bees because it’s either supra 50 already, aliases it’s astir to be, and there’s almost nary upwind and it’s sunny and nan dandelions are out,” Davis said. 

Davis turned astir and squatted down successful beforehand of a statement of debased bushes. He’s planted rows of nagoonberries, besides called Arctic Raspberries. Davis said he discovered nagoonberries successful nan chaotic arsenic a teen and has had a typical relationship pinch them ever since.They look for illustration raspberries but person a chopped tangy spirit that Davis now treasures for making mead. 

“It’s difficult to get capable from nan chaotic truthful I turn them here,” Davis said. “I person astir 20,000 plants. And past twelvemonth I harvested almost 500 pounds of berries- chiefly my boy harvested, but I thief him erstwhile I can.”

Nagoonberries, chromatic and h2o are nan only ingredients successful Davis’ astir celebrated drink, a chaotic fermented mead. Producing locally-grown nutrient and portion successful Alaska tin beryllium challenging and it’s particularly existent of alcohol, which often relies connected imported fruits, grains, and yeasts, moreover erstwhile they’re brewed in-state. But since he began commercially producing meads and wines, Davis has pursued making them pinch all-local ingredients. 

Davis walked backmost to his meadery room to explicate his fermenting process.

“We do everything successful 5 gallon batches,” Davis said, stirring a ladle successful 1 of a cluster of metallic pots. “And this is nan wildflower honey, which is our accepted consecutive mead. So there’s thing successful location but chromatic and water.”

Pure chromatic is antibacterial and antifungal, which intends germs and yeast can’t past successful it. But erstwhile it’s mixed pinch water, yeast tin eat nan sugars and ferment it into mead, an alcoholic portion that tastes for illustration a chromatic wine.

Bees hover astatine nan entranceway of a group of bluish insulated hive boxes. Bees alert successful and retired of nan entranceway of 1 of their hives successful nan gait of Sweetgale Meadworks and Cider House. The chromatic they make will beryllium fermented into mead. (Jamie Diep/KBBI)

Davis ferments pinch section raspberries, currants, chaga mushrooms, apples for cider, and of course, honey. As of this year, his bees only supply astir a 3rd of nan chromatic he needs, though his semipermanent scheme is to nutrient each his own. Local chromatic comes pinch a steep value tag: it’s much than 5 times nan costs of bulk clover honey, and that increases his vessel prices. 

“I waste it mostly for astir $30 A bottle,” Davis said. “But I could waste it for half that if I was utilizing Costco honey.”

He said he can’t waste overmuch of his mead successful stores astir Alaska because nan profit margins are excessively low, but he does waste straight to consumers online. 

Davis said a higher value for section ingredients is worthy it; he buys berries from respective section farmers and he said nan flavors acold surpass thing you tin find successful a market store. He said section chromatic is besides overmuch amended for making mead. 

“If I make a raspberry aliases achromatic currant or, aliases a blueberry mead, if it’s fireweed honey, you don’t sensation nan chromatic location astatine all,” Davis said. “The attraction is each connected nan fruit. Whereas if I get clover chromatic from Costco, it costs a fraction of nan value but it has a very chopped medicinal spirit that comes retired erstwhile you region nan sweetness.”

Bees crawl connected a hive framework by their location successful nan gait of a Homer meadery. (Jamie Diep/KBBI)

But Davis said utilizing all-local ingredients isn’t conscionable astir flavor. 

“It’s a desire to support section agriculture and to beryllium local,” Davis said. “And conscionable nan trade manufacture facet of making an amazing, I think, world people merchandise conscionable utilizing section ingredients from here.”

Davis said it’s difficult to find locally grown and produced intoxicant successful nan state. Alaska has galore breweries and wineries, but he said h2o is often their only section ingredient. 

As acold arsenic he knows, his commercialized meadery makes nan only consistently locally grown and produced intoxicant successful nan state. 

And successful nan agelong term, Davis said making nutrient and portion pinch section ingredients makes businesses and nan organization much stable. 

“I deliberation nan much we tin do present locally, nan amended it is,” Davis said. “So we don’t person to vessel everything up from nan little 48 wherever it’s a small spot vulnerable.”

Davis said if for immoderate logic nan roadworthy strategy failed, he could still nutrient everything for nan meadery. 

Davis said each twelvemonth business gets a small spot amended than nan twelvemonth earlier and this twelvemonth has been bully for nan bees. In midsummer, he temporarily moved immoderate of his hives to a higher elevation truthful they could stitchery fireweed pollen successful unfastened meadows, boosting their productivity and giving him a higher output of nan chromatic that is nan backbone of his business.

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Source Alaska Public
Alaska Public