After concussions and candy-cane streetlight costs, North Pole City Council removes mayor

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a santa statuteA ample Santa statute adjacent nan Santa Claus House business successful North Pole. Photographed Nov. 14, 2021. (Tegan Hanlon/Alaska Public Media)

The metropolis assembly of North Pole voted unanimously connected June 18 to region Mayor Michael Welch, a Republican campaigner for authorities House from agency “until nan adjacent metropolis predetermination aliases until … nan assembly determines nan politician is capable to execute nan duties of Mayor.”

Welch himself joined nan assembly successful nan unanimous vote. North Pole’s metropolis charter allows removal successful cases wherever nan politician is abnormal aliases different incapable to transportation retired his duties.

The determination followed a June 3 metropolis assembly meeting that saw members of nan assembly knock Welch for signing a revised statement to repaint immoderate of nan city’s candy-cane-striped streetlights.

The first statement said nan streetlights were astir 24 feet tall, but successful reality, they are 40 feet, and nan coating occupation costs much than expected.

The magnitude of nan change, signed this spring, exceeded Welch’s unilateral spending authority, but it wasn’t presented to nan assembly until this month.

“We understand that you person a occupation to do, but there’s nary logic you should beryllium coming, asking america for forgiveness alternatively than asking america for permission,” an unidentified assembly personnel said successful a YouTube signaling of nan meeting. 

Welch told assembly members that he didn’t callback signing nan alteration and suggested that could beryllium owed to a bid of concussions that caused him to activity infirmary care.

“Three of these successful 8 months is beautiful bad. We’re talking astir concussive wounded to nan head,” he said.

North Pole has a strong-mayor shape of government, meaning nan mayor, alternatively than an unelected metropolis manager, exercises executive power of metropolis functions.

Welch was replaced connected a impermanent ground by Mayor Pro Tem Chandra Clack.

Welch, a Republican, is nan lone challenger to incumbent Rep. Mike Prax, R-North Pole. On Monday, Welch’s cellphone was incapable to judge calls, and inquiries near astatine his location telephone were not returned.

The deadline to retreat from this year’s legislative elections is June 29.

Alaska Beacon is portion of States Newsroom, a web of news bureaus supported by grants and a conjugation of donors arsenic a 501c(3) nationalist charity. Alaska Beacon maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Andrew Kitchenman for questions: Follow Alaska Beacon on Facebook and X.

Source Alaska Public
Alaska Public