Ball beats Fachie as GB target cycling medal rush

Trending 4 weeks ago

James Ball hit squad mate Neil Fachie to cycling golden astatine nan Paris 2024 Paralympics arsenic Great Britain target different hefty badge haul connected time 4 successful nan velodrome.

Fachie was Paralympic champion astatine Tokyo 2020 successful nan men’s B 1000m clip trial, but he and guideline Matthew Rotherham were not overly awesome successful qualifying and only 4th fastest.

They needed awesome betterment successful nan last and were intelligibly pumped up to do truthful - Rotherham shouting and slapping his thighs arsenic he entered nan way - and they produced a overmuch quicker tally successful nan last of 59.312 seconds.

But they were overhauled by Ball and his aviator Steffan Lloyd, who had to settee for metallic down Fachie and Rotherham 3 years agone successful Tokyo.

Ball and Lloyd started slower and trailed their team-mates by half a 2nd aft 125m, but gradually reeled successful Fachie and Rotherham pinch a clip of 58.964s.

And erstwhile German brace Thomas Ulbricht and Robert Foerstemann - who had qualified quickest - could only travel 3rd successful nan final, it sealed a British one-two.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC