Bannock County warns of jury duty phone scam

Trending 4 months ago
  Published astatine 1:24 pm, May 29, 2024  | Updated astatine 1:25 pm, May 29, 2024
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The pursuing is simply a news merchandise from nan Bannock County Clerk, Prosecutor and Sheriff’s offices.

BANNOCK COUNTY, Idaho – The Bannock County Clerk’s Jury Office has received a number of reports complete nan past fewer days of scam callers targeting our area. The fishy callers place themselves arsenic Bannock County employees.

The discourse of these calls halfway astir nan fishy telling nan unfortunate they person a warrant for their apprehension owed to missing a tribunal day aliases assemblage duty. The suspects activity to coerce nan unfortunate into paying money complete nan telephone pinch their in installments card. Part of nan ruse involves nan threat of apprehension aliases much criminal charges and consequences.

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Bannock County will ne'er initiate a telephone for a costs aliases in installments paper accusation complete nan telephone to fulfill a judgment, warrant, fine, assemblage work aliases different tribunal issue. Those types of transactions ever spell done tribunal offices straight and usually require in-person interaction astatine nan courthouse.

While region unit does interaction our organization for a number of morganatic reasons done nan people of our job, trying to straight get money complete nan telephone for immoderate criminal aliases civilian action will not happen. The biggest tell-tale motion personification posing arsenic rule enforcement complete nan telephone is simply a scam is erstwhile you are asked to salary money via a gift paper aliases money transportation in installments paper to fulfill a good aliases to debar arrest.

If you are unsure nan personification contacting you is simply a morganatic region official, you tin ever interaction your section nationalist information dispatch aliases tribunal offices to verify. This type of crime is among nan wide assortment of calls, texts, email and societal media scams regularly hitting our area. Be suspicious of unusual messages asking you to click links aliases unfastened websites you are unfamiliar with.

If you person fallen unfortunate to this type of scam and suffered a financial loss, study nan incident instantly to your section rule enforcement and to nan national Internet Crime Complaint Center website astatine


Source east idaho news
east idaho news