Baxter has 'honest conversations' with Exeter squad

Trending 3 days ago

Exeter leader Rob Baxter says location person been immoderate "honest conversations" betwixt his players and unit aft the season-opening Premiership loss astatine location to Leicester.

Chiefs conceded a last-second effort to suffer 17-14 successful a crippled which saw Exeter make a bid of basal errors.

But Baxter says he is hopeful those mistakes will beryllium a one-off arsenic they hole to recreation to champions Northampton connected Saturday.

"If personification says to maine 'am I really worried astir it?' - nary because it's crippled one," Baxter told BBC Sport.

"If it was crippled 4 and I was saying nan aforesaid things I would beryllium [worried].

"So I deliberation astir apt 50% of what we sewage incorrect we tin get correct this play and still suffer nan game.

"But I've said to nan lads, it's not winning aliases losing nan crippled this play that we really, really person to attraction connected - it's really that we've sewage a process successful spot that gives america a chance because it'll let america to play well."

Baxter says location were immoderate positives from nan conclusion - which was a first connected nan opening time of nan play since his broadside mislaid astatine Leicester 3 years ago.

"Actually nan reality is our beingness effort successful nan crippled was arsenic bully arsenic thing we did past season," he added.

"There's surely nary mobility astir whether we worked hard, but we did make things very difficult for ourselves and yet difficult capable that we mislaid nan game.

"Some of those things we tin tidy up beautiful quickly pinch immoderate honorable conversations."

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC