BBC to broadcast 250 hours of live Olympic coverage

Trending 2 days ago

More than 250 hours of unrecorded sum of nan Paris 2024 Olympics will beryllium broadcast connected BBC One and BBC Two this summer.

It is portion of nan BBC's comprehensive, free-to-air, multi-platform sum of nan world’s biggest sporting event, which takes spot from 26 July to 11 August.

There will beryllium unrecorded tv sum from 27 July connected BBC One, BBC Two and BBC iPlayer, providing entree to each 32 events astatine Paris 2024, positive a nightly highlights programme.

The BBC will person 1 unrecorded transmission arsenic good arsenic an 'Olympics Extra' unrecorded watercourse connected BBC iPlayer featuring each nan champion action.

A typical Olympic schedule is moving crossed nan long of nan arena connected BBC Radio 5 Live and BBC Sounds, pinch 12 hours of consecutive sum a time from 10am until 10pm, positive badge winners unrecorded passim 5 Live Breakfast each morning.

Building connected nan occurrence of Tokyo successful 2021, wherever it received 27 cardinal visitors, nan BBC Sport website and app will screen each nan large medal-winning moments, news stories and reports.

Live matter pages will tally from 6:30am until midnight, while highlights videos will beryllium easy accessible connected nan website and app done a caller vertical video carousel.

Fans tin besides expect to spot nan champion moments and beryllium brought person to nan athletes crossed BBC Sport’s societal media channels.

Joining nan workplace impermanent line-up for nan first clip are Dame Laura Kenny, Great Britain's astir dressed up female Olympian, and tv characteristic Fred Sirieix, whose girl Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix will beryllium aiming to triumph diving golden for Great Britain.

They will beryllium joined by agelong jumper Jazmin Sawyers, Olympic rowing golden medallist Moe Sbihi and Olympic triathlon bronze medallist Vicky Holland.

"For nan first clip since London 2012 we person an Olympic Games taking spot successful a European clip zone, which is really breathtaking for UK audiences," said head of BBC Sport Alex Kay-Jelski.

"People tin tune successful to unrecorded sum morning, noon, and night, pursuing each nan biggest sporting moments arsenic they happen."

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC