Body of missing Idaho woman found in her vehicle in Salmon River after U.S. 95 crash

Trending 2 days ago
  Published astatine 12:00 pm, July 1, 2024

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Samuel O'Neal, Idaho Statesman

luremainA woman’s assemblage was recovered successful nan Salmon River adjacent Riggins. | Pete Zimowsky, Idaho Statesman

RIGGINS (Idaho Statesman) — The assemblage of a 72-year aged Idaho female who went missing past period was recovered from nan Salmon River adjacent Riggins connected Thursday nighttime by nan Idaho County Sheriff’s Office and United Search Corp, according to a news release.

Marsha Hayes was past seen connected May 22, driving southbound connected U.S. Highway 95 from Riggins pinch her work canine successful a grey 2006 Acura. Vehicle parts and a licence sheet were recovered on nan stream 2 days later, and Hayes was recovered successful her conveyance successful nan water, nan merchandise said.

“We are genuinely sorry for nan Hayes family’s loss, and our thoughts and prayers spell retired to Marsha’s family and friends arsenic they navigate this difficult time,” nan Sheriff’s Office wrote successful its release.

Doug Bishop of United Search Corp, a nonprofit hunt statement based successful Oregon, utilized a broadside scan sonar being towed by a pitchy vessel to find nan conveyance astir a 4th of a mile downstream from nan evident clang site, according to nan release.

With nan usage of underwater cameras, Bishop confirmed that Hayes’ assemblage was still successful nan vehicle.

Hayes’ family and friends besides assisted Bishop, arsenic did nan Riggins Fire Department, nan Idaho Transportation Department, nan Idaho State Police and nan Idaho County Coroner’s Office, nan merchandise said.

“Idaho County Sheriff Doug Ulmer wishes to convey Mr. Bishop and his statement … for their exceptional assistance successful providing closure for nan Hayes family,” nan Sheriff’s Office wrote.


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