Book illustrator Brandon Dorman answers 7 Questions with Emmy

Trending 3 weeks ago

Every week I’m interviewing absorbing group successful Idaho and astir nan world!

Brandon Dorman is simply a talented illustrator champion known for his book screen artwork connected celebrated bid for illustration “Goosebumps,” “Fablehaven,” and “The Land of Stories.” He is an accomplished ocular storyteller pinch complete 22 image books nether his belt.

I had a awesome clip chatting pinch Brandon. Here’s what I asked him:

  • What sewage you willing successful creation and what made you want to prosecute it arsenic a career?
  • What does a time successful nan life of an illustrator look like?
  • How do you cognize erstwhile an illustration is done?
  • What is nan hardest portion of your job?
  • How do you subordinate to your creation and do you deliberation it shows a small spot of your personality?
  • What books did you for illustration reference arsenic a kid?
  • Can you stock a portion of proposal pinch me?

Watch my full question and reply pinch Brandon successful nan video subordinate supra and study much astir him connected his website.

Missed immoderate of my erstwhile interviews? Watch them each here. And if you person an thought of personification I should question and reply aliases conscionable want to opportunity hi, email me:

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