Brian Smith sentenced to 226 years for killing 2 Alaska Native women

Trending 2 months ago
a murdererBrian Smith walks retired of nan courtroom aft receiving what amounts to 2 abstracted life sentences. Anchorage Superior Court Judge Kevin Saxby said Smith, who was convicted of sidesplitting 2 Alaska Native women, was beyond rehabilitation. (Matt Faubion/Alaska Public Media)

The Anchorage judge sentencing convicted slayer Brian Smith connected Friday gave prosecutors precisely what they asked for: a 226-year condemnation for nan murders of 2 Alaska Native women.

Smith sat still, pinch nary reaction, but nan packed courtroom was charged pinch emotion.

Even earlier sentencing sewage underway, location was a objection extracurricular nan Nesbett Courthouse.

a womanMargaret Yellow Wolf Tarrent, an advocator for missing and murdered Indigenous people, holds a motion extracurricular nan Nesbett Courthouse. (Rhonda McBride/KNBA)

A group of mostly Native women, dressed successful red, gathered outside, carrying signs that said, “Honk for justice,” and “We do not consciousness safe.”

“These are our sisters,” Sarah Wiseman said. “We person to look retired for each other.”

a womanSarah Wiseman holds a poster pinch pictures of Veronica Abouchuk and Kathleen Henry, women that were killed by Brian Smith. Wiseman is related to 1 of Abouchuk’s sisters and said she came to Smith’s sentencing to support her family. (Rhonda McBride/KNBA)

Wiseman is related to Veronica Abouchuk, 1 of nan women Smith was convicted of killing. The assemblage besides recovered Smith blameworthy successful nan decease of different woman, Kathleen Jo Henry. Both were from mini occidental Alaska villages but struggled to past successful Anchorage. Smith told detectives he preyed upon them, because they were vulnerable.

Anchorage Superior Court Judge Kevin Saxby told nan tribunal he hopes nan harsh condemnation for Smith will beryllium a deterrent.

“Some group travel to Alaska because it’s an easy spot to return advantage of people, group who unrecorded connected nan street,” he said.

a judgeAnchorage Superior Court Judge Kevin Saxby said he didn’t deliberation Brian Smith could beryllium rehabilitated, because he took joyousness successful killing. As he handed down his sentence, Judge Saxby called Smith’s kiillings “the worldly of nightmares,” crimes that impact nine agelong aft they’re committed. (Matt Faubion/Alaska Public Media)

Saxby recapped a bid of videos that were played during nan trial. They came from a cellphone, stolen from Smith by a activity worker. She copied nan images, which Smith changeable and narrated, and turned them complete to police. They captured Kathleen Henry’s past moments astatine a Midtown hotel, arsenic Smith tormented her.

“He says, quote, you’re live and you die. And you’re live and you die,” said nan judge, arsenic he publication from nan video transcript. “So, I conjecture I request to extremity this because nan humor is getting to nan floor.”

Only nan assemblage saw nan video, but nan full courtroom heard nan sound of Smith’s voice, arsenic he said, “You live. You die,” while pressing his fingers connected and disconnected Henry’s throat.

The judge’s explanation of nan footage brought sobs from Veronica Abouchuk’s family, who were invited to beryllium together successful a ample group wrong nan assemblage box.

a womanKristy Grimaldi, nan girl of Veronica Abouchuk, was nan only personification to attest astatine Brian Smith’s sentencing. Grimaldi told nan tribunal it was a alleviation to cognize that Smith would rot successful situation for sidesplitting her mother. “I dream he is swarmed pinch guilt someday knowing he stalled truthful galore people’s joy,” she said. (Matt Faubion/Alaska Public Media)

Abouchuk’s daughter, Kristy Grimaldi, told nan tribunal that, since nan trial, it’s arsenic if a dense fog descended connected her life, but location are times erstwhile she remembers her mother’s full-hearted laughter — and moments, for illustration nan different day, erstwhile a shop clerk gave her 2 quarters for change. One had her birthdate, and nan other, her mother’s.

“It was an insignificant infinitesimal that became important to me,” Grimaldi said. “I consciousness her each astir me, watching complete me. No 1 tin return that away. This acquisition has taught maine truthful overmuch and has shown maine that existent emotion ne'er dies.”

She told nan tribunal Brian Smith was a sick quality being, incapable to comprehend nan meaning of life.

“Forget nan defendant’s name,” Grimaldi said, “and retrieve Veronica Rosaline Abouchuk and Kathleen Jo Henry.”

Abouchuk’s sister, Rena Sapp, said nan sentencing brings alleviation for now, but worries astir what whitethorn travel adjacent for different families. She believes Smith had much victims.

“It’s not done. This is not nan extremity for Brian Smith. There are more,” she said.

Smith did not speak astatine his sentencing. Although his wife, Stephanie Bissland, sat successful a assemblage chair straight down him, he did not move astir to look astatine her. His lawyer Timothy Ayer pushed for a 132-year sentence, astir a 100 years little than what he received. He said either way, Smith would walk nan remainder of his life successful prison.

a womanAntonia Commack, an MMIP activist, stands adjacent to a forensic artist’s rendering of an unidentified female believed to beryllium Brian’s Smith’s 3rd victim. Commack posts regular updates astir nan lawsuit connected her Facebook page, wherever she collapsed nan communicative astir nan prosecution’s merchandise of images of nan woman, a week earlier Smith’s sentencing. They were recovered connected 1 of Smith’s compartment telephone successful 2019. (Rhonda McBride/KNBA)

Outside nan courthouse, earlier nan sentencing, location was a ample poster-sized sketch of a female who appears to beryllium an Alaska Native, believed to beryllium Brian Smith’s 3rd victim. Police recovered her photos connected different 1 of his compartment phones. She looks battered successful nan pictures, and it isn’t clear if she’s alive. The female has yet to beryllium identified, a reminder that location are apt much chapters to come.

“It was perfectly horrific. That man is simply a monster,” said D. Matt Duncan, who was 1 of nan jurors.

Duncan said he presently sees a therapist to thief him header pinch what he saw and heard during nan trial, but said it was an grant to service connected nan jury. He said Alaska has a superior problem, and he hopes nan lawsuit will unfastened people’s eyes.

Duncan said it’s alarming that Smith felt safe capable to brag astir his killings to a woman and appeared to person tried to show disconnected Kathleen Henry’s assemblage to different friend.

“I americium very assured that location was a organization of group that are progressive successful that behaviour that Brian Smith is convicted for,” Duncan said. “And they are preying connected defenseless women successful our community. That needs to change.”

Another juror, Michael Stewart, besides attended nan sentencing. He said he’s gladsome nan judge, alternatively than conscionable throwing nan book astatine Smith, “threw a pallet afloat of encyclopedias.”

two menMichael Stewart and H. Matt Duncan served arsenic jurors successful Brian Smith’s month-long proceedings and saw hours of images, taken from Smith’s cellphones, which he utilized to grounds his killings. Both opportunity it’s been difficult to retrieve from nan trauma of seeing specified horrific photos and video. (Matt Faubion/Alaska Public Media)

Both Stewart and Duncan sat together successful nan courtroom to watch nan sentencing. Stewart said what he knowledgeable during nan proceedings was unspeakable.

“It’s burned into my head. It’s difficult to watch crime dramas now,” he said.

Both jurors opportunity they wish constabulary would person acted sooner connected leads successful nan case.

“Brian Smith’s girlfriend, Alicia Youngblood, reported him to constabulary years earlier nan constabulary did anything,” Duncan said. “If it wasn’t for dumb luck, he would still beryllium retired location murdering women.”

Duncan besides believes that Smith’s friend, Ian Calhoun, should beryllium brought to justice. The prosecution said Smith tried to meet Calhoun astatine a parkland adjacent his home, presumably to show disconnected Kathleen Henry’s body. In nan state’s sentencing recommendations, attorneys said, they judge it’s apt Calhoun saw Henry’s remains, but truthful far, he hasn’t been charged. Calhoun was not compelled to attest during nan trial.

Brittany Dunlop, nan lead charismatic successful nan case, said it whitethorn not look for illustration constabulary are moving to prosecute a case, because a batch of activity goes connected down nan scenes and constabulary are constricted successful what they tin opportunity astir an ongoing investigation. During nan trial, nan assemblage saw monolithic amounts of cellphone and outer information to link Smith to nan killings of Abouchuk and Henry. At nan sentencing she called Smith genuinely evil, personification who should ne'er beryllium permitted “to locomotion among us.”

The Anchorage police’s large break successful nan lawsuit came from Valerie Casler, nan activity worker who stole Smith’s phone. The images connected it gave constabulary nan grounds they needed to make an arrest.

“What she did, and nan threat that she put herself successful — and is still successful threat coming — is perfectly heroic,” Duncan said.

Stewart and Duncan opportunity nan jurors discussed amongst themselves really Smith has apt killed much women. But thanks, successful ample portion to Casler, Smith has been stopped.

Stewart said he hopes lessons from nan proceedings will “open up nan floodgates for much justice.”

two womenMargaret Lestkenkoff, Veronica Abouchuk’s sister, gets a hug aft Brian Smith’s sentencing is over. She said she is happy that Smith will walk “forever” successful jailhouse for nan murders of her sister and Kathleen Jo Henry. (Matt Faubion/Alaska Public Media)
Source Alaska Public
Alaska Public