Cafe Sabor opens new Rexburg restaurant with big burritos and delicious dishes

Trending 2 days ago
  Published astatine 6:00 pm, June 28, 2024

REXBURG — A celebrated eastbound Idaho Mexican edifice has opened a caller location successful Rexburg.

Cafe Sabor is now serving large burritos, flavorful salads, tasty appetizers, caller salsa and much astatine 160 West 2nd Street wherever Gator Jack’s was antecedently located.

The caller edifice is nan latest Cafe Sabor joining locations successful Idaho Falls, Island Park, Bear Lake, Logan and different Utah cities.

With a assortment of delicious paper items, Cafe Sabor prides itself connected having thing for everyone. All nutrient is prepared caller and chefs usage unsocial recipes for customer favorites including spinach artichoke dip, baja chickenhearted pasta and pollo con crema.

Cafe Sabor dipCafe Sabor spinach artichoke dip. | Nate Eaton,

Cafe Sabor tacosCafe Sabor thoroughfare tacos. | Nate Eaton,

Cafe Sabor offers regular specials, for illustration free kids meals connected Monday, half prize appetizers connected Wednesday, fajita plates connected weekends and nan $7.95 large burrito and soda typical connected Thursday.

Cafe Sabor crockery burritoCafe Sabor burrito. | Nate Eaton,

We sat down pinch Armando Rebollar, nan General Manager of nan Rexburg Cafe Sabor, and tried a fewer of nan tasty dishes. Watch successful nan video subordinate above!

Learn much astir Cafe Sabor, including hours, paper and locations, here.

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east idaho news