Company running BBL has licence terminated

Trending 3 months ago

The British Basketball Federation (BBF) has terminated nan licence of Basketball League Ltd (BLL) - nan institution which runs nan men’s master convention - pinch contiguous effect.

The BBF said it took nan determination having received "information concerning nan finances of Basketball League Ltd".

The BLL has been operating nan men's crippled since being awarded a 10-year licence by nan sport's governing assemblage successful 2017.

The BBF said: "Information provided to nan BBF concerning nan finances of Basketball League Ltd, including nan truth that BLL has entered into creditor arrangements pinch 2 of its largest creditors, indicates that BLL is nary longer capable to transportation retired its functions arsenic usability of nan British Basketball League.

"The BBF will proceed to do everything imaginable to protect nan interests of fans, players, unit and clubs and interim measures will instantly beryllium put successful spot to return connected organisation of nan 2024-25 season, successful co-ordination pinch stakeholders."

United States-based finance institution 777 Partners - who grounded to complete a projected takeover of Premier League shot nine Everton - bought a 45% liking successful nan British Basketball League successful December 2021 and besides owns nan London Lions.

"The BBF is moving to style longer word arrangements for nan effective governance and improvement of master convention hoops successful Britain," added nan BBF.

"This process will beryllium completed arsenic soon arsenic possible, taking relationship of nan BBF’s responsibility to behaviour robust owed diligence pinch respect to imaginable investors."

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC