Criterium du Dauphine stage neutralised after crash

Trending 3 months ago

Stage 5 of nan Criterium du Dauphine was neutralised connected Thursday pursuing a ample clang involving nan peloton.

Race leader Remco Evenepoel was among nan riders to suffer injuries.

The shape was cancelled pinch astir 21.5km remaining, pinch organisers attributing their determination to a deficiency of disposable aesculapian staff.

"Due to nan truth location are nary ambulances to return attraction of nan riders, because they are each engaged going to different hospitals, nan title will beryllium neutralised," title organisers said.

Tour de France contender Primoz Roglic besides fell, but sewage up quickly and appeared comparatively unhurt.

Organisers said riders will thrust to nan decorativeness together, pinch nary shape victor and nary times taken for nan day.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC