Dangerous conditions in effect for portion of the Portneuf River

Trending 2 months ago

The pursuing is simply a news merchandise from nan metropolis of Pocatello. Photo: Logan Ramsey, EastIdahoNews.com

POCATELLO — City Officials are informing nan nationalist of vulnerable stream conditions connected nan Portneuf River from nan northbound extremity of nan actual transmission to Batiste Bridge. This conception of nan stream is not floatable astatine this time.

Along this information of nan stream northbound of nan channel, location are aggregate log jams and debris successful nan stream which tin origin terrible injuries. With nan debased h2o levels, these log jams tin make it intolerable to walk while connected nan river.


“While this area is considered closed, nan organization tin still float from Edson Fitcher down to Centennial Park and from Batiste put-in to Douglass Lane,” said Hannah Sanger, Science & Environment Administrator.

If you person immoderate questions, please telephone Science & Environment Administrator Hannah Sanger astatine (208) 234-6225.

Source east idaho news
east idaho news