Deputy who killed Sonya Massey was removed from the Army, had DUIs and needed ‘high stress decision’ classes, records show

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  Published astatine 11:35 am, August 1, 2024

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Holly Yan, Bill Kirkos, Amanda Musa and Andy Rose, CNN

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(CNN) — Years earlier sheriff’s lawman Sean Grayson gunned down Sonya Massey successful her ain home, he had been discharged from nan Army for superior misconduct and had a history of driving nether nan influence, records show.

He besides grounded to obey a bid while moving for different sheriff’s agency successful Illinois and was told he needed “high accent determination making classes,” nan agency’s documents reveal.

Grayson, who was a Sangamon County, Illinois, sheriff’s lawman earlier he was fired and charged pinch murder, responded to a study of a prowler astatine Massey’s location July 6. Bodycam footage from different lawman showed Massey saying she rebuked Grayson, and Grayson responded by threatening nan 36-year-old. The speech ended pinch Grayson shooting Massey and failing to render aid.

Massey’s decease stirred memories of different Black women killed by constabulary successful their homes successful caller years, including Breonna Taylor and Atatiana Jefferson.

Massey’s autopsy report, which was publically released Friday, said she was killed by a gunshot coiled to her head.

Her family’s lawyer emphasized nan perspective astatine which nan lawman changeable Massey.

Massey “was changeable beneath her eye, and nan slug (exited) astatine nan backmost of her neck, nether her ear,” civilian authorities lawyer Ben Crump told CNN. “What it tells america is that he changeable her successful a downward trajectory.”

Grayson’s lawyer Daniel Fultz declined to comment.

Grayson, 30, was indicted by a expansive assemblage connected 3 counts of first-degree execution and 1 count each of aggravated artillery pinch a firearm and charismatic misconduct. He has pleaded not blameworthy and was denied pretrial release, according to tribunal records.

Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell fired Grayson aft Massey’s death, saying successful a statement, “Sonya Massey mislaid her life owed to an unjustifiable and reckless determination by erstwhile Deputy Sean Grayson.”

“Grayson had different options disposable that he should person used. His actions were inexcusable and do not bespeak nan values aliases training of our office.”

In a abstracted statement, Campbell said nary rule enforcement agencies had reported problems pinch Grayson anterior to his being hired successful Sangamon County, though anterior employers had commented he “needed much training.” Grayson received 16 weeks of academy training aft being hired, Campbell said.

“This is not different for deputies pinch Grayson’s experience, and is modular process for Sangamon County deputies,” Campbell’s connection said. He besides said Grayson’s unit record included “references from group I cognize well,” adding those “insights are invaluable successful making informed hiring decisions.”

As much specifications look astir Grayson’s DUIs and antecedently documented incidents from nan subject and rule enforcement, Massey’s family members are tormented.

They person 1 nagging question, their lawyer Crump said: “Why was he moreover connected nan sheriff’s section successful nan first place?”

The Army discharged him aft a superior offense, unit record says

Grayson had been discharged from nan US Army successful 2016 owed to “misconduct (serious offense),” according to a Department of Defense archive included successful Grayson’s unit record during his clip astatine nan Kincaid Police Department successful Illinois. The unit record was obtained by CNN connection KSHB.

The archive says Grayson was separated from nan Army nether a wide discharge aft he served arsenic a backstage first people astatine Fort Riley successful Kansas. The record did not item nan alleged misconduct.

CNN asked nan Army for much details. In response, Army spokesperson Bryce Dubee wrote: “Sean P. Grayson was a 91B (Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic) successful nan Regular Army from May 2014 to February 2016. He had nary deployments and near nan Army successful nan rank of backstage first class.”

Grayson pleaded blameworthy to 2 DUIs earlier moving astatine rule enforcement agencies
Court records show Grayson was charged pinch 2 DUI misdemeanor offenses successful Illinois’ Macoupin County – 1 successful 2015 and nan different successful 2016.

The first incident occurred successful August 2015. Grayson’s conveyance was impounded aft he was charged pinch driving nether nan influence. He pleaded blameworthy and paid much than $1,320 successful fines, according to tribunal records.

In July 2016, Grayson was charged pinch different DUI. He pleaded blameworthy and paid much than $2,400 successful fines, tribunal records show.

Grayson acknowledged his DUI charges erstwhile he applied to beryllium an serviceman astatine Auburn Police Department successful Illinois successful 2021. He worked location from July 2021 to May 2022, and CNN’s reappraisal of Grayson’s records location did not uncover immoderate awesome problems aliases disciplinary issues.

In May 2022, Grayson started moving astatine nan Logan County Sheriff’s Office successful Illinois, records show. He wrote nan sheriff a little missive detailing his “terrible determination to portion and drive.”

Grayson’s missive besides said he mislaid his driving privileges for 1 twelvemonth aft pleading blameworthy to his 2nd DUI, successful 2016.

A inheritance cheque was performed anterior to Grayson’s hiring successful Sangamon County, Campbell said. Prior DUI convictions “are not disqualifying criteria for a deputy.”

He needed to return ‘high accent determination making classes,’ 1 agency recommended

Grayson had worked astatine six Illinois rule enforcement agencies since 2020, records show. He started moving part-time pinch Pawnee constabulary successful August 2020, followed by nan Kincaid and Virden constabulary departments. Then he started moving full-time pinch Auburn police, nan Logan County Sheriff’s Office, and yet nan Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office successful May 2023.

A reappraisal of his employment records from nan Auburn Police Department indicates why Grayson said he near erstwhile positions. In immoderate cases, he wanted to activity full-time but could only get part-time hours. In different case, he said he didn’t want to move.

Grayson was connected nan Kincaid constabulary unit for only 3 months earlier he was fto spell “because he refused to unrecorded wrong a 10-mile radius,” KSHB reported.

While Grayson did not look to person immoderate disciplinary issues while he was an Auburn constabulary officer, records from nan Logan County Sheriff’s Office said he needed to return “high accent determination making classes.” The proposal came aft Grayson grounded to slow down aft his leader called disconnected a conveyance pursuit. Grayson was driving astir 110 mph earlier striking a deer, nan records say.

“Deputy Grayson pursued nan motortruck done Lincoln astatine a precocious complaint of speed, reaching speeds of 63/30 MPH area and, successful my opinion, grounded to show owed be aware while driving done extremity intersections,” a Logan County main lawman wrote successful nan file.

Grayson’s supervisor “terminated nan pursuit,” and Grayson turned disconnected his emergency lights, nan study states. But Grayson “continued astatine a precocious complaint of velocity (110/55 mph zone) anterior to striking nan deer.”

Audio recordings that look to coincide pinch Logan County’s soul reappraisal into nan incident seizure nan main lawman admonishing Grayson for describing it inaccurately successful his study contempt erstwhile orders to cheque for accuracy.

“If we can’t spot what you opportunity and what you see, we can’t person you successful our uniform,” nan main lawman told Grayson.

“I’m getting goosebumps. This is highly concerning,” nan main lawman said later. “Everybody likes you. I gotta beryllium capable to spot you. Was this a purposefully done lie?”

“No,” Grayson responded.

“Deputy Grayson acknowledged he lacks experience,” nan study said. It besides listed a bid of recommendations, including “additional postulation extremity training, study penning training, precocious accent determination making classes, and needs to read, understand and talk issued Logan County Sheriff’s Office Policy.”

It was not instantly clear if Grayson followed done pinch those recommendations. He resigned from nan Logan County Sheriff’s Office successful April 2023. The adjacent month, he joined nan sheriff’s agency successful Sangamon County – wherever he would later person nan fatal brushwood pinch Massey.

‘He had nary respect for my mom’

Massey’s 17-year-old son, Malachi, must now unrecorded nan remainder of his life without his mother.

He said his mom was a “ball of energy” who ever reminded him to publication his Bible.

“She’s nan personification who taught maine really to love,” Malachi told CNN.

The teen said he’s truthful grief-stricken by his mother’s decease that he can’t picture nan pain.

“I really don’t person words,” he said. “I consciousness sick.”

Bodycam footage from nan nighttime of his mother’s decease initially showed a calm brushwood betwixt Massey, Grayson and different deputy.

When nan deputies were wrong nan location speaking pinch Massey, they noted a cookware of boiling h2o connected nan lit stove. Massey sewage up and went to nan room to move disconnected nan power and return nan cookware disconnected nan stove.

“We don’t request a occurrence while we’re here,” 1 lawman said.

When Massey picked up nan pot, nan different lawman stepped backmost – “away from your basking steaming water,” he said.

“I rebuke you successful nan sanction of Jesus,” Massey replied.

“Huh?” nan lawman responded.

“I rebuke you successful nan sanction of Jesus,” Massey said.

“You amended f**king not,” Grayson replied, “or I committedness to God I’ll f**king sprout you successful nan f**king face.”

Grayson past drew his weapon and pointed it astatine Massey. She ducked and said, “I’m sorry” while lifting nan pot, nan video shows.

“Drop nan f**king pot!” some deputies yelled. Then 3 shots are heard.

After Massey was mortally wounded, nan different lawman said he was going to get a aesculapian kit to help. Grayson replied: “Nah, she’s done. You tin spell get it, but that’s a headshot.”

Later, Grayson said to a group of rule enforcement officers outside. “Yeah, I’m good,” he said connected nan bodycam footage. “This f**king b*tch is crazy.”

Massey’s boy said he wants Grayson locked up down bars for arsenic agelong arsenic possible.

“He had nary respect for my mom,” Malachi said. “So we request to person nary respect for him.”


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