Does Medicare cover cataract surgery?

Trending 4 weeks ago
  Published astatine 10:30 am, August 31, 2024
A diligent preparing to acquisition oculus surgery. | Envato Elements banal imageA diligent preparing to acquisition oculus surgery. | Envato Elements banal image

Dear Savvy Senior,

How does Medicare screen cataract surgery? My oculus expert precocious told maine I’ve developed cataracts and should see making plans for room successful nan adjacent twelvemonth aliases so.

Almost 67

Dear Almost,

Like grey hairsbreadth and wrinkles, cataracts are an inevitable portion of nan aging process. Eventually, everyone (usually successful their 60s) will create cataracts, a information that causes cloudy aliases blurry vision. The only measurement to correct this is done cataract surgery.

Fortunately, Medicare does screen medically basal cataract surgery, which includes removing nan cataract and implanting a modular intraocular lens (IOL). This is simply a small, lightweight, clear disk that replaces nan focusing powerfulness of nan eye’s earthy crystalline lens to reconstruct clear vision. This process is performed utilizing accepted surgical techniques aliases lasers.

This sum tin beryllium a important savings, since cataract room often costs astir $1,800 to $2,800 per eye.

Cataract room is usually an outpatient procedure, covered nether Medicare Part B. Once you salary nan yearly Part B deductible, which is $240 successful 2024, you’re responsible for nan Part B coinsurance.

That intends you’ll salary 20 percent of nan costs for covered services yourself. If you person a Medicare supplemental policy, besides known arsenic Medigap, you’ll person afloat aliases partial sum for nan 20 percent Part B coinsurance.

If you hap to beryllium enrolled successful a backstage Medicare Advantage plan, alternatively than original Medicare, you’ll besides person sum for cataract surgery. However, you whitethorn person to salary different deductibles aliases copayments and request to usage an in-network provider. You’ll request to telephone your scheme to find retired its sum specifications earlier you schedule surgery.

What’s Not Covered

Be alert that Medicare only covers cataract room pinch modular (monofocal) intraocular lenses, which improves imagination astatine conscionable 1 region truthful you whitethorn still request glasses for close-up vision. Medicare will not screen premium (multifocal) intraocular lenses that tin correct imagination acold away, up adjacent and successful between, truthful you tin spell glasses-free aft surgery.

Premium interocular lenses are expensive, costing astir $1,500 to $4,000 per eye, which you would beryllium responsible for if you take to upgrade. Talk pinch your expert astir your options and costs earlier your surgery.

Are Eyeglasses Covered?

Even though Medicare usually doesn’t screen eyeglasses aliases interaction lenses, it will salary 80 percent for 1 group of corrective glasses aliases contacts aft cataract surgery. Medicare, however, limits its sum to modular eyeglass frames and lenses. If you want to get deluxe frames, progressive aliases tinted lenses aliases scratch-resistant coating for glasses, you’ll request to salary those costs yourself. Medicare besides requires that you acquisition nan glasses aliases contacts from a Medicare-approved supplier.

Also, if you person immoderate post-surgery complications aliases problems that are deemed medically basal to reside by a doctor, Medicare covers those expenses too. Any drops, antibiotics aliases different medicine prescribed aft your room would beryllium covered by Medicare Part D aliases a Medicare Advantage scheme that includes medicine supplier coverage.

Send your elder questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, aliases sojourn Jim Miller is simply a contributor to nan NBC Today show and writer of “The Savvy Senior” book.


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