Doyle and Lynch take World Cup gold in double sculls

Trending 3 months ago

Ireland's Philip Doyle and Daire Lynch put down a large pre-Olympic marker by claiming golden successful nan men's double sculls successful nan 3rd World Cup regatta successful Poznan.

They hit nan defending Olympic champions France successful nan process.

After missing nan Lucerne World Cup 3 weeks agone because of injury, Doyle and Lynch went to Poznan for immoderate much-needed racing earlier Paris arsenic they had not raced together since nan first World Cup successful April.

They went retired pinch nan French and trailed only nan fast-starting Polish double astatine nan halfway mark, earlier making their move successful nan 3rd 500m of nan race.

They surged up and comfortably held disconnected nan fast-finishing Germans and New Zealanders pinch nan French languishing successful fifth.

This was nan last World Cup earlier nan Paris Olympics.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC