England's Kirby joins Brighton after Chelsea exit

Trending 2 days ago

Brighton person signed England world Fran Kirby connected a free transportation pursuing nan expiry of her statement astatine Women's Super League champions Chelsea.

Kirby, 31, is wide regarded arsenic 1 of England's top female players and won 5 successive WSL titles pinch Chelsea earlier her departure.

Having spent her full nine profession successful nan southbound of England, Kirby's move to Brighton intends she tin enactment adjacent to location and will proceed to play successful nan WSL.

The forward, who started each crippled for England arsenic they won Euro 2022, will spell down arsenic 1 of Brighton's astir high-profile signings.

"We’re perfectly thrilled to invited Fran to nan club", managing head of women’s and girls’ shot Zoe Johnson said.

"She arrives arsenic 1 of nan astir dressed up English footballers of each time, playing an integral domiciled successful Chelsea’s caller dominance, arsenic good arsenic connected nan world shape having been a portion of England’s Euro 2022 win.

"Her acquisition connected nan transportation will beryllium conscionable arsenic important disconnected it and we person nary uncertainty that she will thief america return a important measurement towards our semipermanent targets."

Brighton vanished ninth successful nan WSL past play during a run wherever they sacked head Melissa Phillips and which was overseen for nan 2nd half by interim leader Mikey Harris, brought successful from nan men’s academy.

Brighton person been capable to pull respective large names successful caller years including two-time Champions League victor Pauline Bremer and erstwhile Barcelona skipper Vicky Losada.

The nine has ambitions to break into nan WSL's apical 4 and a signing of Kirby's calibre will spell immoderate measurement towards that.

During a nine-year stint pinch Chelsea, Kirby scored 63 goals successful 114 WSL games, winning 8 convention titles successful nan process.

Despite a profession plagued pinch superior injuries and illnesses, Kirby is still regarded arsenic a cardinal personnel of Sarina Wiegman's Lionesses.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC