Ex-England player Pitman named Forest head coach

Trending 2 days ago

Former England subordinate Chelsea Pitman has been appointed caput coach of caller Netball Super League nine Nottingham Forest Netball.

The 36-year-old retired from world netball aft nan Roses won a historical metallic astatine nan World Cup successful South Africa past year.

Forest are 1 of 2 caller clubs - on pinch Birmingham Panthers - to beryllium admitted to nan revamped NSL for 2025 arsenic nan convention moves towards turning professional.

"I americium highly excited astatine what this opportunity presents," said erstwhile helping onslaught Pitman, who will guideline Forest successful their inaugural run adjacent year.

"I americium nether nary illusion that it won't travel without its challenges but that is what excites maine nan most. This is wherever maturation happens.

"I want to pull players that want to put successful their netball, put successful helping our athletics grow, unfastened to challenges and pat into their netball brain. But it's much than that - I want players that want to beryllium better, well-rounded, holistic athletes but much importantly bully people."

Forest are owned and managed by nan Premier League shot club, which says it has "major plans to create a multi-sport model".

Australian-born Pitman has played for West Coast Fever and Adelaide Thunderbirds successful Australia's Super Netball convention arsenic good arsenic Manchester Thunder and London Pulse successful nan NSL, and besides successful New Zealand.

She called clip connected her 14-year home playing profession past period aft spending nan 2024 play astatine Giants successful Sydney.

Pitman won nan World Cup successful 2011 pinch nan Australian Diamonds earlier switching allegiance to play for England successful 2017.

She was portion of nan Roses squad that won a first Commonwealth golden successful 2018 connected nan Gold Coast.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC