Experience will be key in Paris - Laugher

Trending 2 days ago

Diver Jack Laugher believes his Olympics acquisition tin thief him and 3m springboard synchronised partner Anthony Harding declare a badge astatine nan Paris Games.

The 29-year-old is competing successful his 4th Olympics, while Harding, 23 - who turns 24 connected Saturday - is entering his first.

Laugher has won a gold, metallic and bronze successful his 3 erstwhile Games.

"I deliberation we've sewage a really bully chance successful nan synchro pinch maine and Anthony," he told BBC Look North.

"We activity really difficult and we've had a awesome twelvemonth and picked up a fewer medals."

He added: "Diving adjacent to personification who has ne'er done an Olympics is ever a unusual 1 but I was location myself once.

"After doing 4 I cognize what to expect and this is conscionable different awesome arena for illustration nan others we do.

"So acold successful our fields we've been successful, evidently location is nan added unit of having those 5 rings connected nan wall and it's broadcast to a adjacent fewer much group and that does alteration a bit.

"However, it's nan aforesaid dives we do each time, connected nan aforesaid committee and that's what I've been trying to get into him. Hopefully we transportation that mantra done pinch us."

The City of Leeds diver, who was conscionable 17 erstwhile he competed astatine London 2012, said it was an "incredible achievement" to person made it to a 4th games.

After claiming bronze successful nan men's 3m springboard astatine Tokyo 2020, 5 years aft winning nan golden successful nan aforesaid arena astatine Rio, he spoke openly astir really intelligence wellness struggles had impacted him and near him questioning whether he would proceed pinch nan sport.

He is now looking to transportation connected his profession done to a 5th Games successful Los Angeles successful 2028.

"It's thing that seven-year-old maine would ne'er person thought I'd make 1 Olympics, fto unsocial four," he said.

"I deliberation there's a bully chance I mightiness make a 5th Olympics.

"It's a symbolic point to person 5 Olympic Games for nan 5 Olympic rings. I've sewage to spot really this 1 goes and really nan assemblage and mind holds up."

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC