Familiar faces Gatland and Schmidt reunited in Sydney

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Venue: Allianz Stadium, Sydney Date: Saturday, 6 July Kick off: 10:45 BST

Coverage: Listen on, BBC Radio Wales, Radio Cymru, BBC Sounds, nan BBC Sport website and app, positive unrecorded matter commentary, followed by study and guidance connected nan BBC Sport website and app.

Familiar faces will conflict it retired again connected Saturday erstwhile New Zealanders Warren Gatland and Joe Schmidt travel look to look arsenic Australia big Wales successful Sydney.

It is simply a rivalry that dates backmost decades.

"We really played successful nan New Zealand teachers' schoolhouse squad together," said erstwhile hooker Gatland.

"He was a scrawny winger who played for Manawatu, though he really had a small spot of pace."

They person coached against each different since, erstwhile Schmidt was successful complaint of Ireland.

After returning to New Zealand, he yet became portion of nan All Blacks coaching staff, helping nan broadside to nan 2023 World Cup last wherever they were beaten by South Africa.

Then Australia came calling.

"I thought Joe had retired. He's had astir 3 of them (retirements), but seems to travel retired of it each mates of years," said Gatland.

"He went backmost to New Zealand to retire, past came backmost pinch nan Blues and past nan All Blacks and now Australia. Hopefully they're paying him tons of money!"

The duo past faced each different successful world rugby erstwhile Wales hit Ireland to clinch nan 2019 Grand Slam successful driving Cardiff rain.

"I deliberation backmost to that crippled and a mates of things astir Joe, and I couldn't judge Ireland wanted to play pinch nan tile open," said Gatland.

"I don't deliberation each nan players were 100% happy pinch that."

Gatland admits to winding Schmidt up successful nan past.

"I cognize Joe scours done each azygous article and everything that has been said," said Gatland.

"The Irish analysts would nonstop maine a matter erstwhile we played them, saying 'please don't opportunity thing to upset Joe arsenic he sounds it and it'll make our life a misery for nan remainder of nan week'.

"I'd purposely opportunity thing that would upset Joe, not that I meant it."

Gatland says he has nan utmost respect for Schmidt, who he believes did "unbelievably well" pinch Leinster and Ireland.

"He's gone backmost to New Zealand and astir apt been portion of that resurgence pinch nan Blues and nan All Blacks," said Gatland.

"From a slow start, we saw nan betterment of them arsenic a squad successful nan World Cup.

"We spell backmost a agelong measurement and there's ever a spot of banter betwixt coaches, but we each understand we're successful nan aforesaid business and nether nan aforesaid pressure.

"It's nary different to nan questions I'd get asked astir Eddie Jones erstwhile he was involved.

"Maybe we're not ringing each different up to spell get a portion each nan time, but we understand we're each taxable to nan aforesaid pressures, some internally and externally."

Both coaches are successful challenging jobs coming into nan summertime series, pinch ninth-placed Australia playing a Wales broadside 1 spot little successful nan world rankings.

Gatland has six wins and 13 defeats successful his 2nd stint successful complaint of Wales.

There person been 7 successive losses since past year's World Cup, wherever Gatland's broadside reached nan quarter-finals.

After Australia's humiliating World Cup excavation exit, which included a grounds 40-6 conclusion against Wales successful Lyon, Eddie Jones discontinue and nan Wallabies person turned to Schmidt.

This summertime represents nan opening of a important fewer years for Australian rugby, pinch nan British and Irish Lions touring adjacent twelvemonth earlier they big nan 2027 World Cup.

Gatland expects Schmidt to person an contiguous effect contempt having spent only a mates of weeks pinch his caller squad.

"I saw thing wherever he said he has ne'er felt truthful unprepared, but that tin activity successful 2 ways," said Gatland.

"This is simply a beautiful important starting constituent for them, pinch nan Lions coming adjacent twelvemonth and nan World Cup successful 2027.

"He'll bring building and organisation for them, immoderate continuity and self-belief.

"He's put a bully coaching squad together pinch Mike Cron, Laurie Fisher and Geoff Parling.

"They are incredibly knowledgeable guys who are good respected successful nan game. Hopefully things spell good for Australia, but not successful nan adjacent mates of weeks."

Schmidt is besides looking guardant to nan reunion.

"I person known Gats (Gatland) for a agelong time, we played against each different and I moreover played a mates of games pinch him," he said.

"I cognize Gats will spark nan emotions and he will person a very passionate Welsh squad retired location connected Saturday night."

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC