Family keeps getting package after package they never ordered from Temu

Trending 6 days ago
  Published astatine 6:30 pm, June 20, 2024
temu package

OAKBROOK TERRACE, Illinois (WBBM) — Trucks person been delivering a nonstop watercourse of packages from Temu to a location successful Illinois lately, but nan family is not ordering anything.

The family asked CBS 2 for thief aft they recovered themselves stuck pinch random worldly and boxes filling their space—and obscurity other near to turn.

Tim Wood showed disconnected each nan items that person been cluttering his Oakbrook Terrace condo. Among different things, he has received 20 different subject hats, cameras, knives, a crawfish trap, a loop pinch a aureate buckle shaped for illustration a car, and astir 30 sportfishing vests for which he ne'er asked.

Wood said nan items came successful a watercourse of package deliveries that started soon aft his family purchased nan condo. Again, he did not bid immoderate of them.

But nan watercourse has turned into much of a metaphorical whitewater rapids.

“In nan past month, it’s been 1 aliases 2 packages a day,” Wood said.

He admits was benignant of entertaining astatine first, calling it “like Christmas each day.”

Not truthful overmuch anymore.

“It’s conscionable excessively overmuch worldly now,” he said.

Wood said nan root of immoderate of nan items is not clear.

“It’s each Chinese,” he said.

But he said it is clear immoderate of it is from Temu.

“None of it has a return reside of Temu connected it,” Wood said.

Wood said he and his family has tried everything to make it stop. First, they reached nan family from which they bought nan location from.

“I reached retired to my existent property agent, who reached retired to their existent property agent,” he said.

There was nary consequence from their existent property supplier aliases attorney. Wood said he has learned nan family who utilized to unrecorded successful nan condo moved retired of nan country.

There was nary consequence from Temu aliases transportation companies, either.

“I consciousness for illustration I’ve done arsenic overmuch arsenic I tin do,” Wood said.

CBS 2 reached Temu. Their media squad suggested Wood scope them pinch search numbers:

“As we said successful our erstwhile email, it would beryllium overmuch appreciated if Mr. Wood tin supply nan logistics search number aliases package number, truthful that we tin activity pinch our logistics partners to analyse this matter.”

Temu did not reside CBS 2’s questions.

Meanwhile, keeping nan surviving room cleanable is becoming harder and harder for Wood.

Wood said he has asked astir nan ineligible implications—if Temu is liable for each of this. He said he has been told he should effort to scope nan personification for whom nan packages are meant.

He has done conscionable that, and CBS 2 asked too.

“This lawsuit is really astir whether there’s a statement betwixt nan shipper of nan merchandise and nan receiver of nan merchandise,” said lawyer Katherine Baker, who she teaches statement rule astatine Chicago-Kent College of Law.

Baker said stories for illustration Wood’s are “as aged arsenic mail-order anything.” She said nan business is tricky successful much ways than one.

“There’s a constricted magnitude you tin do,” Baker said. “It is not nan work of nan receiver to fig retired wherever this came from. It’s decidedly not their work to load up their car and bring each of this worldly to FedEx aliases UPS.”

Since nan family has made immoderate effort to scope nan personification to whom nan packages are expected to beryllium going, Baker said, “at immoderate point, they tin conscionable discard it.”

Wood said he would alternatively donate each nan items he has received than discard them. But opinionated successful a location that is looking much and much for illustration a knickknack store, Wood’s dream is to “just fig retired a measurement to get it to stop.”

CBS 2 has followed up pinch Temu a fewer times now. Again, location person nary answers to CBS 2’s further questions.

The Wood family is hoping speaking retired makes nan quality for them, and anyone other dealing pinch specified a problem.


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