Fatal plane crash at Palisades Reservoir caught on camera

Trending 3 days ago
  Published astatine 11:39 am, July 5, 2024
plane crashA screenshot from a video taken by a bystander shows mini airplane spiraling downward earlier crashing into Palisades Reservoir connected July 4. | Courtesy Bilal Madjour

IDAHO FALLS – The aviator who collapsed successful nan Palisades Reservoir Thursday day is dead.

It happened a small aft 5 p.m. adjacent Alpine, Wyoming, according to Sgt. Bryan Lovell pinch nan Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office. The pilot, a 53-year-old man from California, collapsed while practicing aerobatic maneuvers.

Boaters successful nan area reportedly saw what happened and began life redeeming measures until they reached first responders astatine nan shoreline.

RELATED | Emergency crews responding to level clang astatine Palisades Reservoir

Star Valley EMS took him to Star Valley Hospital, wherever he died. His sanction is not being released until his family and friends person been notified.

The clang is still nether investigation. Deputies are moving pinch nan FAA and nan National Transportation Safety Board. They’re asking nan nationalist to debar nan area for nan foreseeable future.

Details from nan Federal Aviation Administration’s website bespeak nan clang was an “accident” and nan “aircraft collapsed nether chartless circumstances.”

FAA REPORTScreenshot from FAA website

Emergency unit from nan Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office successful Wyoming responded, on pinch its hunt and rescue team. Star Valley EMS, Idaho Falls Ambulance, and Idaho State Police besides assisted.

A bystander caught nan clang connected camera, which you tin watch below.


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east idaho news