Fourth grader who volunteers at soup kitchen is surprised with Emmy’s Award

Trending 3 months ago
  Published astatine 12:00 pm, May 27, 2024

There are a batch of cool kids doing cool things successful eastbound Idaho and I’m partnering pinch Timberline Home to grant them.

Twice a month, I’ll beryllium sharing nan stories of section kids who are making a quality and honoring them pinch Emmy’s Award!

McKayla Nelson is simply a 4th grader astatine Sunnyside Elementary. On nan first Sunday of each month, McKayla and her family unpaid astatine nan crockery kitchen. They emotion to thief others and McKayla tries to beryllium a friend to all.

We felt McKayla was deserving of Emmy’s Award and stopped by to astonishment her during class! Check it retired successful nan video subordinate above.


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east idaho news