Hunt for Red Hills nodules and geodes produces surprises

Trending 2 months ago
  Published astatine 8:09 pm, July 20, 2024  | Updated astatine 8:09 pm, July 20, 2024
A mates of guests finds 2 ample chunks of colorful jasper connected nan section travel to nan Red Hills. | Bill SchiessMembers and guests of nan Idaho Falls Gem and Mineral Society hunt nan Red Hills for agate and jasper. | Bill Schiess,

With a predicted “near 100 degrees” for nan 2nd Saturday of July, we had 2 choices for nan scheduled stone hunting section travel to Red Hills successful nan Little Lost River Valley – to cancel it aliases move nan gathering clip from 9 a.m. to 7 a.m. Most of nan group signed up for nan outing suggested we meet astatine Clyde, a 1 building spot connected nan Little Lost River Highway, astatine 7 a.m.

By nan clip we had to time off to get to nan hunting area, 16 vehicles and 32 group were fresh to deed nan sagebrush-infested rolling hills, looking for mostly jasper and agate. After showing samples of what could beryllium found, giving directions wherever immoderate whitethorn beryllium found, and informing nan group astir immoderate of nan dangers they mightiness encounter, I sent them scurrying crossed nan debased ridges.

Members and guests of nan Idaho Falls Gem and Mineral Society hunt nan Red Hills for agate and jasper. | Bill Schiess,

First, I tried getting each group of beginners to cheque what was being found. We were mostly connected nan hunt for mini agate nodules called “cutties” and ancient reddish volcanic worldly called “leaverite,” which should beryllium near correct wherever it was found. There were a fewer pieces of value multi-colored jasper and immoderate bully ample nodules and geodes picked up wrong nan first hr of searching.

As nan sun climbed higher, and it started to get warm, nan hunters scattered crossed nan rolling ridges, uncovering amended specimens.

But nan first awesome specimen was recovered by an knowledgeable rockhound. It was a portion of a ample geode filled pinch crystals. The original geode appeared to person been astatine slightest a ft successful diameter. Over nan past fewer years, respective of these person been recovered astatine nan Red Hills, but I person ne'er seen aliases heard of a ample complete geode recovered there.

Paul Fullmer, a personnel of nan IFG&MS, recovered a information of a ample crystal-filled geode astatine nan Red Hills. | Bill Schiess, EastIdahoNews.comPaul Fullmer, a personnel of nan Idaho Falls Gem and Mineral Society, recovered a information of a ample crystal-filled geode astatine nan Red Hills. | Bill Schiess,

A young woman recovered a beautiful agate filled pinch botryoidal mounds successful a hollow cavity, while a mates of teenagers collected 2 ample chunks of multi-colored jasper. Others recovered parts of geodes and nodules afloat of different types of material. It appeared that wintertime snows and outpouring rains had washed a trove of worldly retired of nan ridges and into nan swales. It appeared that nan taxable of nan time was nodules and geodes that filled astir of nan buckets of nan gatherers.

One surgery geode showed botryoidals covered pinch drusy quartz crystals, while different geode was afloat of mini agate posts and different nodule was filled pinch blue/green jasper. Most of nan nodules were intact, while astir of nan geodes were broken. There was besides capable jasper recovered to whet nan appetite for nan stone hunters to make a return travel aft nan upwind cools a bit.

A young woman recovered this hollow agate afloat of botryoidals astatine nan Red Hills. | Courtesy Bill Schiess, EastIdahoNews.comA young woman recovered this hollow agate afloat of botryoidals astatine nan Red Hills. | Courtesy Bill Schiess,

By 11:00 a.m., nan somesthesia had climbed to 90 degrees, and it was clip for astir of america to climb into nan air-conditioned vehicles and caput location pinch our treasures. The kids of nan group not only recovered immoderate beautiful rocks, but besides a fewer horned lizards to play with.

As we headed out, an old-timer stated, “Red Hills ne'er disappoints because of truthful galore variations successful material, colors and nary rattlesnakes to scare nan jeepers retired of you.”

I had to agree. I besides did not spot aliases perceive of immoderate ticks hitching a thrust location pinch anyone.

This geode was recovered afloat of botryoidals covered pinch druzy quartz crystals. | Bill Schiess, EastIdahoNews.comThis geode was recovered afloat of botryoidals covered pinch druzy quartz crystals. | Bill Schiess,

With a bucket of nodules and geodes, I person capable worldly to trim and research until nan upwind cools capable for maine to task retired successful nan precocious godforsaken plains of Central Idaho.

If immoderate of you would for illustration to subordinate immoderate of nan section trips, nan Idaho Falls Gem and Mineral Society person respective scheduled for nan remainder of nan season. Check retired their newsletter aliases web page for much information. There whitethorn moreover beryllium a return travel to nan Red Hills.

Many pieces of colorful jasper for illustration this colorful portion will beryllium made into jewelry by nan section travel participants. | Bill Schiess, EastIdahoNews.comMany pieces of colorful jasper for illustration this colorful portion will beryllium made into jewelry by nan section travel participants. | Bill Schiess,

Living nan Wild Life is brought to you by The Healing Sanctuary.


Source east idaho news
east idaho news