Hunter asks before killing ‘black bear’ in Idaho. Officials say they misidentified it.

Trending 3 months ago
  Published astatine 11:37 am, June 21, 2024
Grizzly carnivore yellowstoneFile photograph of a grizzly bear. Wildlife officials wrongly identified a grizzly arsenic a achromatic carnivore successful nan Idaho Panhandle region. A huntsman past killed it, officials said. | Jim Peach, National Park Service

ST. MARIES (Idaho Statesman) — Wildlife officials said they misidentified a federally protected grizzly carnivore arsenic a achromatic carnivore earlier an Idaho huntsman killed it.

A worried huntsman sent videos to Idaho Game and Fish of a young carnivore astatine a bait tract connected June 8 successful nan Panhandle region, nan wildlife agency said successful a June 18 news release.

The huntsman was connected U.S. Forest Service land, astir 5 miles from St. Maries, officials said.

He was concerned nan animal was a grizzly, truthful he asked wildlife unit to place it earlier shooting it, officials said.

The animal has been listed arsenic a threatened type by nan U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service since 1975 successful nan little 48 states, making it forbidden to “harm, harass aliases termination these bears, isolated from successful cases of aforesaid defense aliases nan defense of others.”

However, authorities officials are pushing to delist nan animal from national protection successful Idaho.

Wildlife unit reviewed nan videos and said nan animal was a achromatic carnivore “because it lacked immoderate communal features of a grizzly,” officials said.

It was besides successful an area wherever grizzly bears aren’t commonly recovered in, officials said. The huntsman killed nan young carnivore 2 days later, past realized it was a grizzly, officials said.

He contacted nan wildlife agency, cooperated pinch nan investigation and will not beryllium cited, officials said.

Now, Fish and Game is “reviewing its staff’s portion successful nan incident arsenic a unit matter.”

“Fish and Game regrets nan correction made by its staff, nan undue accent nan business caused for nan huntsman and nan nonaccomplishment of nan grizzly bear,” nan section said.

The agency is besides reminding hunters that a young grizzly whitethorn rotation into an area they whitethorn not beryllium expected to beryllium recovered in.


Conservation groups disapprove of nan usage of bear-baiting wherever grizzlies live.

Bait is simply a constituent that is utilized to pull large crippled animals. Permitted hunters are only legally allowed to bait achromatic bears successful Idaho, according to wildlife officials. But this poses a problem erstwhile a young grizzly carnivore wanders into an area it isn’t typically seen successful and is attracted to nan bait.

Multiple biology groups, including Western Watersheds Project, appealed a determination successful nan U.S. Court of Appeals for nan Ninth Circuit that carnivore baiting didn’t harm grizzlies successful Idaho and Wyoming nationalist forests.

he groups based on for much regulations but mislaid nan appeal.

“These were precisely nan types of tragic grizzly killings we were hoping to debar done our suit for nan national agencies to see whether carnivore baiting should beryllium allowed successful grizzly carnivore habitat,” Western Watersheds Project’s Executive Director Erik Molvar said successful a June 20 news release.

“IDFG wants to spot grizzly bears delisted and claims that they tin negociate nan species. How tin they negociate grizzly bears if they can’t moreover place one?” said Lizzy Pennock, an lawyer astatine WildEarth Guardians.


Now, officials are informing different hunters to reappraisal their carnivore recognition skills.

A grizzly carnivore tin beryllium spotted by its short, rounded ears, enarthrosis hump, agelong claws and dished (concave) look profile, wildlife officials said.

A achromatic carnivore has gangly ears, a consecutive look profile, nary enarthrosis hump and shorter claws.

The sizing and coloring of a carnivore are not reliable ways to find nan quality betwixt nan two, wildlife officials said.

Bears alteration successful size astatine different ages and successful different beingness conditions, making it difficult to place a carnivore based connected size alone, officials said.

Both bears besides alteration successful color. A achromatic carnivore tin beryllium blonde, cinnamon aliases achromatic while a grizzly carnivore tin person astir achromatic coloring.


Bear attacks successful nan U.S. are rare, according to nan National Park Service. In astir attacks, bears are trying to take sides their food, cubs aliases space.

There are steps group tin return to thief forestall a carnivore brushwood from becoming a carnivore attack.

  • Identify yourself: Talk calmly and slow activity your arms. This tin thief nan carnivore recognize you’re a quality and nonthreatening.
  • Stay calm: Bears usually don’t want to attack; they want to beryllium near alone. Talk slow and pinch a debased sound to nan bear.
  • Don’t scream: Screaming could trigger an attack.
  • Pick up mini children: Don’t fto kids tally distant from nan bear. It could deliberation they’re mini prey.
  • Hike successful groups: A group is noisier and smellier, nan National Park Service said. Bears for illustration to support their region from groups of people.
  • Make yourself look big: Move to higher crushed and guidelines tall. Don’t make immoderate abrupt movements.
  • Don’t driblet your bag: A container connected your backmost tin support a carnivore from accessing food, and it tin supply protection.
  • Walk distant slowly: Move sideways truthful you look little threatening to nan bear. This besides lets you support an oculus out.
  • Again, don’t run: Bears will pursuit you, conscionable for illustration a canine would.
  • Don’t climb trees: Grizzlies and achromatic bears tin besides climb.


Source east idaho news
east idaho news