Idaho Falls Fire responds to 100 calls including 12 fireworks-related fires

Trending 3 days ago
  Published astatine 10:55 am, July 5, 2024
Idaho Falls Fire Truck

The pursuing is accusation and a photograph from nan Idaho Falls Fire Department.

The Idaho Falls Fire Department responded to 100 calls for work betwixt 8 a.m. July 3 and 8 a.m. July 5, including aesculapian emergencies, fires, conveyance accidents, and different telephone types. During this time, IFFD responded to 12 fires attributed to individual fireworks.

Four of nan 12 fires were caused by group not extinguishing spent fireworks decently and past placing them successful dumpsters aliases garbage cans, resulting successful nan fireworks reigniting. Thankfully, nary of nan fires resulted successful superior spot harm aliases immoderate injuries this year.

As galore group proceed to observe nan Fourth of July connected Friday, July 5, IFFD reminds each residents to usage only ineligible fireworks successful a safe manner. Additionally, wholly submerge spent fireworks successful a bucket of h2o and let them to soak overnight. Never spot precocious spent fireworks successful a garbage tin aliases adjacent a building aliases different flammable material.

The Idaho Falls Fire Department is nan largest all-hazards and EMS section successful East Idaho. With a full-time staff, nan section provides 24/7/365 occurrence and EMS sum for nan City of Idaho Falls and overmuch of Bonneville County, serving a organization of astir 117,000 successful 290 quadrate miles.

Our EMS Division responds to a larger area that includes nan City of Idaho Falls, Bonneville County, and portions of Jefferson and Bingham Counties, serving a organization of astir 155,000 successful 3,500 quadrate miles.


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east idaho news