Idaho Falls YMCA expands and creates new Early Learning Center 

Trending 1 month ago
  Published astatine 4:42 pm, August 29, 2024  | Updated astatine 4:47 pm, August 29, 2024
Idaho FallsThe Idaho Falls YMCA held a ribbon cutting connected Thursday for an Early Learning Center. | Andrea Olson,

IDAHO FALLS — It was a humanities infinitesimal for nan YMCA successful Idaho Falls aft labor and nan organization celebrated nan description of its childcare services astatine a caller location.

On Thursday, complete 50 group came to a ribbon cutting for nan YMCA’s “Early Learning Center” astatine Idaho State University’s Bennion Building successful Idaho Falls. The halfway is located astatine 1784 Science Center Drive. Tours were held to spot it.

According to YMCA Community Engagement Director Donovan Stokes, nan abstraction was antecedently a preschool. The YMCA was capable to revitalize it. Opening nan installation was made imaginable done a assistance of complete $200,000 from nan Idaho Workforce Development Council.

YMCA Chief Executive Officer Tanner Rohne said it’s an accomplishment that they were capable to grow value and affordable childcare. 

“We get to beryllium astatine nan forefront to nurture nan children’s lives, to thief them to develop, and to supply safe and stimulating environments for them to thrive,” Rohne said. “This installation was designed to chiefly service nan children of INL employees, students, faculty, and unit astatine ISU.”

Idaho National Laboratory Deputy Director Todd Combs talked astir really nan laboratory has seen an upward trajectory pinch employment, now exceeding 6,400 dedicated members. 

“With specified growth, it’s inevitable that childcare becomes a salient taxable of speech and often a interest for our workforce. Recognizing this … we established nan INL childcare moving group tasked pinch exploring nan astir effective ways to reside nan childcare needs for our employees,” Combs said.

Idaho FallsPart of nan crowd connected Thursday. | Andrea Olson,

He explained nan group evaluated various recommendations, including a business pinch nan YMCA. 

“We admit that entree to high-quality childcare is not conscionable a convenience; it’s a necessity that contributes importantly to nan retention and recruitment of nan talented individuals who make INL,” Combs said. “Our business pinch nan YMCA is simply a testament to our dedication to making this imagination a tangible reality.”

The location is adjacent to wherever INL labor work. 

ISU Interim Executive Director for Idaho Falls Lowell Richards added that it’s a awesome installation to person connected field and will beryllium adjuvant for students. 

“It is simply a large obstacle for galore of our students to find affordable daycare, but besides daycare that’s convenient for them arsenic well,” Richards said. “I cannot hold for a bunch of small Bengals moving astir our campus!”

The Early Learning Center has a playground extracurricular and plentifulness of toys inside. It’s besides adjacent Freeman Park, wherever kids tin locomotion and link pinch nature.

“We are providing not only acquisition learning to make judge that children are gathering their milestones arsenic they advancement and they create but we’re besides encouraging them to make connections, to study caller skills, to create friendships, but much importantly, to grow their domiciled models that they tin study from,” said Rohne. 

Rohne said nan halfway will supply early learning for Pre-K done four-year-olds and yet up to five-year-olds.

“Our opening clip is astatine 6 a.m., and we person childcare done 6 p.m. We’re going to supply breakfast, greeting snack, and day snack,” Rohne said. 

It’s officially unfastened connected Tuesday, Sept. 3. Click here to study more.

“We’re ace excited and blessed for nan opportunity to do this,” Rohne told “We invited everybody into our doors.”

Idaho FallsInside nan facility. | Andrea Olson,
Idaho FallsAndrea Olson,
Idaho FallsAndrea Olson,
Idaho FallsThe playground. | Andrea Olson,


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