Idaho Republican State Convention kicks off Thursday in Coeur d’Alene

Trending 3 months ago
  Published astatine 2:03 pm, June 12, 2024  | Updated astatine 2:04 pm, June 12, 2024

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Clark Corbin, Idaho Capital Sun

Idaho GOPMorgan McCollum, Idaho Reports

COEUR D’ALENE (Idaho Capital Sun) — Hundreds of Republican delegates from crossed nan authorities will stitchery successful Coeur d’Alene opening Thursday to elite a statement chairperson and ballot connected nan Idaho Republican Party’s platform, rules and resolutions.

The Idaho Republican State Convention is scheduled to tally Thursday done Sunday astatine nan Coeur d’Alene Resort and North Idaho College.

The authorities normal is held each 2 years and is wherever delegates elected by Republican region cardinal committees stitchery to elite nan party’s activity and o.k. rules, resolutions and a statement level that will guideline nan statement moving forward. 

“Our biennial normal will beryllium wherever we do nan activity of nan statement and observe our blimpish values pinch chap Republicans from each crossed nan Great State of Idaho,” Idaho Republican Party Chairwoman Dorothy Moon wrote successful a missive to Idaho Republicans that is included successful nan normal program.

While delegates person nan powerfulness to o.k. statement rules and resolutions, they do not person nan powerfulness to walk laws. Only nan Idaho Legislature and citizens, utilizing nan ballot inaugural process, tin walk laws. 

The authorities normal besides serves arsenic a awesome fundraiser for nan Idaho Republican Party. In summation to delegates, alternates and guests selected by nan region cardinal committees will besides attend. 

On Friday nighttime Kari Lake, a erstwhile tv news anchor who is moving for nan United States Senate successful Arizona, will speak during nan Idaho Republican Party’s normal gallery.  

At nan Idaho GOP convention, news reporters will not beryllium allowed wrong business meetings during nan normal and will beryllium restricted to a designated area extracurricular of gathering rooms, according to an email Idaho Republican Party officials sent nan Idaho Capital Sun connected June 7. 

Idaho GOP chair candidates Moon and Souza person tally against each different before

One of nan intimately watched schedule items this week will beryllium nan predetermination of nan Idaho Republican Party’s chair.

Last week, erstwhile authorities Sen. Mary Souza, R-Coeur d’Alene, announced that she is challenging Moon successful nan title for Idaho Republican Party chair. 

Moon is besides a erstwhile Idaho legislator from Stanley. Moon and Souza  ran unsuccessfully successful nan 2022 Republican superior predetermination for caput of state, which sewage heated astatine times – including during nan 2022 Idaho Debates.

In her announcement past week, Souza said she is moving to unify nan statement nether a blimpish umbrella.

“I americium moving to reconstruct unity wrong our statement and to reaffirm our dedication to nan blimpish values that person agelong defined nan Republican spirit,” Souza wrote June 6 successful a written statement. “Our statement stands astatine a crossroads, and it is basal that we travel together to support nan robust schedule group distant by President Donald Trump, to unafraid our confederate separator and to protect Idaho from nan scourge of narcotics for illustration marijuana and fentanyl. The early of our authorities and our federation depends connected our expertise to guidelines agreed against nan threats that situation our measurement of life,” Souza continued. “Together, we tin execute awesome things for Idaho. It’s clip to travel together, arsenic 1 unified Republican Party, and unafraid a brighter early for our state.”

Souza is simply a erstwhile captious attraction registered caregiver who served 4 position successful nan Idaho Senate. Souza vanished 3rd successful nan 2022 Republican superior predetermination for caput of state, which existent Idaho Secretary of State Phil McGrane won. 

Moon is simply a erstwhile nationalist schoolhouse typical acquisition head and golden miner who served 3 position successful nan Idaho House of Representatives. Moon was elected chairwoman of nan Idaho Republican Party during the 2022 Republican State Convention successful Twin Falls, wresting power of nan statement distant from erstwhile president and ex nationalist schools main Tom Luna. 

Efforts to scope Moon connected Monday were unsuccessful. 

This biennial arena unites representatives of nan Republican grassroots to behaviour statement business and observe nan values that hindrance america together. In a June 6 file Moon besides wrote astir nan value of unifying nan party, penning that nan normal itself offers Republicans crossed nan authorities to merge heading into nan Nov. 5 wide election. 

“Delegates and guests will person nan chance to meet like-minded individuals from each area of our awesome authorities and equip themselves pinch devices to go amended voters, activists, and candidates,” Moon wrote. “Attendees will return location energized and fresh to conflict for faith, family and state successful their communities.”

Idaho GOP to besides ballot connected classed prime voting, statement affiliation

On apical of nan statement activity elections, Republican delegates will besides ballot connected a projected statement level and  rules resolutions. 

The statement level is simply a archive that reflects nan values and beliefs of nan Idaho Republican Party. Proposed rules, resolutions and level planks up for information during this week’s normal reside an array of topics.

Some of nan projected rules, resolutions and platforms woody with:

  • Adding a plank to nan statement level expressing general guidance to classed to prime voting, a constituent of nan unfastened superior ballot inaugural that supporters hope to suffice for nan Nov. 5 wide election. 
  • Various level planks and resolutions addressing undocumented migration and calling connected nan authorities to “secure” nan U.S. confederate separator pinch Mexico.
  • A level plank calling connected support for Israel.
  • A level plank calling connected nan authorities to abolish nan income tax.
  • A solution calling for nan Idaho Republican Party to promote nan Idaho Legislature to make and walk bills that prohibition immoderate ballot by message elections and voting halfway style polling places and trim absentee voting. A projected solution calling for nan chair of nan Idaho Republican Party to record a suit against nan authorities successful consequence to nan Idaho Secretary of State’s Office not enforcing statement affiliation deadlines that were not portion of Idaho law, which the Sun has antecedently reported on. 
  • A projected solution establishing a committee to see alternatives to superior elections.
  • A solution directing nan chairperson of nan Idaho Republican Party to nonstop copies of nan updated statement level to Republican candidates for agency and person them bespeak whether they support nan platform, aliases place immoderate areas wherever they disagree.
  • A solution calling for nan Idaho Republican Party to promote nan Idaho Legislature to make and walk bills that prohibition immoderate ballot by message elections and voting halfway style polling places and trim absentee voting.

The projected resolutions, rules and level changes will first beryllium considered during committee meetings connected Thursday that will not beryllium unfastened to caller reporters. 

The Idaho Democratic Party State Convention runs June 22 and June 23 astatine nan University of Idaho successful Moscow.


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