ITD asks drivers to consider alternate routes as construction ramps up on I-15 in Blackfoot

Trending 2 months ago

The pursuing is simply a news merchandise and photograph from nan Idaho Transportation Department.

BLACKFOOT – With building ramping up on Interstate 15, nan Idaho Transportation Department is asking motorists to thrust defensively and return alternate routes erstwhile possible. Work occurring astatine nan southbound Blackfoot exit (Exit 89) and northbound of Exit 93 has resulted successful accrued congestion on nan corridor.

“We urge Blackfoot residents return an alternate way specified arsenic U.S. Highway 91 to an exit northbound of nan Rose area,” Engineer Kevin Sonico said. “Doing truthful not only decreases nan number of vehicles connected I-15, but besides allows motorists to debar driving done nan building area northbound of Blackfoot.”

The repaving task northbound of Blackfoot will amended information and drivers’ acquisition pinch a soft caller surface. During construction, postulation is shifted to nan southbound lanes done a crossover. Drivers should expect reduced speeds done nan building zone. The task is planned to return astir 7 weeks to complete.

Work astatine Exit 89 consists of rehabilitating nan span aboveground by repairing joints and potholes. This will widen nan life of nan bridge.

“Our extremity is to person this done by September 1,” said Engineer Zak Johnson. “We really want to person everything done earlier nan commencement of nan fair.”

Johnson besides recommends drivers return US-91 arsenic an alternate way whenever possible.

Motorists are encouraged to enactment updated connected task detours and postulation impacts astatine aliases connected nan 511 app.

Source east idaho news
east idaho news