LGBTQ youth, families find ‘judgment-free’ conversation at Gate City Pride

Trending 2 days ago
  Published astatine 8:07 pm, June 29, 2024
Gate metropolis pridefulness featuredJodi Dunn (center-left) stands pinch a group of performers successful beforehand of nan stage. | Kyle Riley,

POCATELLO — Local LGBTQ younker and their families were capable to find resources, arsenic good arsenic “judgment-free” speech astatine this year’s pridefulness show successful nan Gate City.

Among galore mainstays seen astatine erstwhile pridefulness events, for illustration nutrient options and performances, attendees could besides find adjuvant organization resources and booths wherever they could spell to simply inquire questions aliases activity advice.

“(It’s) very affirming to person a abstraction and opportunity we’re not giving up. We tin still beryllium retired and beryllium visible,” said Jodi Dunn, 1 of nan Gate City Pride organizers.

This was nan first twelvemonth that Gate City Pride, a nonprofit organization, organized Pocatello’s pridefulness festival. The organizers wanted to spot an accent connected giving resources that could thief members of nan LGBTQ organization each successful 1 spot while providing an avenue wherever group could person conversations that were free from judgment.

Gate City Pride 2024 Judgement Free boothDr. Jona Jacobsen speaks to 2 attendees to nan festival. | Logan Ramsey,

Somewhere group could spell to inquire questions astir LGBTQ personality was a booth called “Judgment-Free Conversations.” The organizers wanted to person this astatine nan arena truthful that anyone who was seeking to study much would person a safe spot to do that.

Jona Jacobsen, who has a doctorate successful societal activity from Walla Walla University, spent her clip astatine nan show sitting astatine this booth talking to anyone who had questions. She had group attack her wanting to talk done their ain identities arsenic good arsenic friends and family members who were seeking to amended understand their loved ones successful nan LGBTQ communtiy.

Jacobsen hoped that by having nan conversations she did Saturday, much group would find immoderate caller understandings.

“When we don’t person conversations, and we make assumptions, we get a batch of problems. I do deliberation that having conversations is wherever we each person to start,” Jacobsen said.

Gate City Pride 2024 Jodi and KellieKellie Pierce (left) and Jodi Dunn (right) return a break to chat. | Logan Ramsey,

Somewhere that LGBTQ younker could spell to find proposal was nan “Youth Support” booth. Dunn wanted to person this booth because he saw a akin 1 astatine nan pridefulness arena successful Idaho Falls, wherever young group could spell to activity advice.

“It could beryllium astir thing silly, aliases possibly they needed a small spot much support aliases conscionable to talk things retired pinch an big and person personification perceive to them,” Dunn said.

Kellie Pierce, a societal worker successful Pocatello, said that nan “Youth Chat” booth helps young group cognize that location are adults successful nan organization who support them.

“Having affirming spaces and seeing affirming adults who understand that it does get amended is important,” Pierce said.

Gate City Pride 2024 2 attendeesTwo attendees to nan pridefulness show talk while sitting connected a bench. | Kyle Riley,
Gate City Pride 2024 featured photoTwo group clasp astatine nan pridefulness festival. | Kyle Riley,


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east idaho news