Local seniors go on an adventure to see Shoshone Falls

Trending 4 months ago

Courtesy Homestead Senior Living

REXBURG (Homestead Senior Living) — Residents of The Homestead Senior Living enjoyed a picturesque time travel to Shoshone Falls successful Twin Falls. Finding themselves captivated by nan earthy wonderment besides known arsenic nan “Niagara Falls of nan West.”

Bright and early, residents eagerly boarded nan bus, anticipating nan escapade ahead. As they caught show of nan awesome waterfall, galore recalled precious family outings to nan falls successful years past. Amidst nan breathtaking scenery, residents bonded and shared stories complete a picnic lunch.

As they soaked successful nan sights and sounds of Shoshone Falls, it became evident that nan travel had been a invited respite from regular routines, allowing residents to create and callback cherished memories successful a serene setting.

Later 1 of nan residents was quoted saying, “It was beautiful and good worthy nan agelong thrust connected nan bus. Thank you for taking us!”

Source east idaho news
east idaho news