Marsh Valley High School students hold walkout in support of teachers

Trending 4 months ago
  Published astatine 10:01 am, May 21, 2024
Student walkout Marsh Valley May 20Students met successful beforehand of nan Marsh Valley Joint School District Office connected May 20. | Photo courtesy Claney Harris

ARIMO — Students from nan Marsh Valley Joint School District 21 held a walkout successful beforehand of nan management agency Monday, chanting, “No students, nary teachers.”

Somewhere betwixt 40 to 50 students protested peacefully successful consequence to a determination made astatine this month’s schoolhouse committee gathering to destruct 1 of nan 2 positions successful nan business department.

The schoolhouse territory has a rubric based connected a number of factors, specified arsenic people size and coach qualifications, to find what unit members are either removed aliases transferred to school successful different subject.

There are 2 business teachers successful nan territory and 17-year-old Claney Harris feels some of them are important members of nan faculty.

“Whenever there’s thing that needs to beryllium done, I’ve witnessed that they’re ever nan first ones to help,” Claney said.

After this gathering was held, a immense number of students formed a group chat and began to determine what people of action they would take.

“Basically our full schoolhouse sewage connected location and we were each for illustration trying to get a clip wherever everyone could travel complete present and do a protest,” Harris said.

The process for determining erstwhile to destruct definite positions feels secretive, he said, and should beryllium much transparent and retired successful nan open.

A number of nan students held signs astatine nan protest, reading, “Mr. Tucker support america by supporting our teachers!” Another 1 said, “You can’t put students first if you put teachers last.”

Superintendent Gary Tucker explained nan reasoning down nan determination successful a speech pinch A diminution successful nan number of students is portion of it, he says, and eliminating a business position would impact nan fewest number of classes.

“We mislaid nan fewest number of opportunities for classes by doing nan business way versus doing nan different 2 options, which were a subject coach and a societal studies teacher. We would person mislaid much classes eliminating 1 of nan different positions,” Tucker said.

And moreover if they destruct a business position, it doesn’t needfully mean nan coach will suffer their job. He said it’s imaginable they could move 1 of nan teachers into different role.

It’s imaginable that nan schoolhouse territory could move 1 of nan business teachers into different role. There’s presently an unfastened position for a subject teacher, but neither of nan business teachers are certified to thatch science.

“There’s a measurement that this each useful out. I don’t cognize if it’ll activity retired that way,” Tucker said.

Harris explained that this protestation was for Monday only, and he and nan remainder of nan students wanted to meet pinch nan superintendent aliases nan remainder of nan schoolhouse board.

Tucker expressed that he would besides emotion to person a gathering pinch nan students, and they tin schedule clip to meet pinch him. The number to scope nan schoolhouse territory agency is (208) 254-3306.

The schedule for nan adjacent schoolhouse committee gathering has not been set, but it will beryllium held connected June 10.


Source east idaho news
east idaho news