Martin signs new three-year deal at Southampton

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Russell Martin has signed a caller three-year woody astatine Southampton.

The caput coach, appointed successful June 2023, took nan Saints backmost to nan Premier League astatine nan first attempt, beating Leeds 1-0 successful nan Championship play-off final.

Assistant Matt Gill, first-team coach Carl Martin and goalkeeping coach Dean Thornton person besides agreed caller contracts.

First-team coach Colin Calderwood, sports intelligence Rhys Owen and expert Ben Parker person signed caller deals too.

Martin said: "I'm really grateful to nan owners and to Phil [Parsons, main executive]. Once nan play was finished, they expressed a desire to talk a semipermanent scheme pinch myself and nan coaching staff.

"It conscionable made maine consciousness that we're each together and that we are really aligned, really together connected nan scheme and we're going to onslaught nan Premier League successful our way, truthful it's really exciting.

“I’d for illustration to convey them for showing that committedness and for really believing successful america and what we've done and nan support they've fixed america truthful acold - and I'm really looking guardant to continuing nan journey, because it's been an astonishing year."

Former Norwich skipper Martin joined connected an first three-year woody from Swansea and guided Southampton to a club-record 25 crippled unbeaten tally betwixt September and February, yet finishing 4th successful nan Championship.

They hit West Brom 3-1 connected aggregate successful their play-off semi-final earlier Adam Armstrong's first-half victor astatine Wembley earned them a top-flight return.

Martin added: "I consciousness for illustration we've each learned truthful overmuch arsenic a club, arsenic a group. I consciousness for illustration there's truthful overmuch to beryllium excited about, that erstwhile we first discussed it, location was not moreover a mobility from myself aliases nan coaches astir what to do.

"It was like: 'Yeah, let's do this.' It's each been tied up beautiful quickly and I'm really excited astir nan play ahead."

Martin started his managerial profession astatine MK Dons successful 2019 and moved to Swansea successful August 2021, finishing 15th and 10th successful his 2 seasons successful southbound Wales.

Preparing for his first play arsenic a Premier League boss, he has made 2 free transportation signings, Adam Lallana from Brighton and Charlie Taylor from Burnley, while Taylor Harwood-Bellis' indebtedness from Manchester City became imperishable aft promotion.

Southampton person besides made a bid for Bournemouth's Max Aarons, which is group to beryllium rejected.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC