McGregor in 'deep mental pain' to miss UFC 303

Trending 2 days ago

Conor McGregor says he is successful 'deep intelligence pain' to watch UFC 303 conflict week spell connected without him.

The Irishman was scheduled to conflict Michael Chandler arsenic nan header arena successful Las Vegas connected Saturday, earlier injury forced him to withdraw.

McGregor, 35, is alternatively watching nan week unfold from Ireland arsenic he continues his rehabilitation from a surgery toe.

"I’d beryllium lying if I told you I wasn’t successful heavy symptom correct now watching conflict week return place," he wrote connected X.

"Thank you for nan messages of support and encouragement, my peers and fans."

Alex Pereira stepped successful to switch McGregor astatine nan apical of nan UFC 303 bill, arsenic he defends his light-heavyweight title against Jiri Prochazka connected Saturday.

One Irishman remains connected nan card, Ian Machado Garry. The Dubliner faces England's Michael 'Venom' Page successful a welterweight bout.

Garry, 26, has promised to measurement up successful McGregor's absence arsenic he looks to widen his 14-0 unbeaten record.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC