Much of Juneau’s king salmon fishery will close this summer, because of a 2020 landslide

Trending 3 months ago
salmonSalmon fills a tote successful Juneau successful August 2022. (Clarise Larson/for nan Juneau Empire)

Sport fishermen successful Juneau whitethorn beryllium disappointed travel Monday, because king salmon will mostly beryllium disconnected limits this summer. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has announced an emergency closure for astir near-shore sportfishing areas astir Juneau.

a mapThe boundaries of nan hatchery king salmon closure adjacent Juneau. (Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish)

Douglas Island Pink and Chum, aliases DIPAC’s executive head Katie Harms said hatchery returns are expected to beryllium rather debased this year. That’s because astir of nan chinook that were expected to travel backmost were killed erstwhile a landslide severed nan hatchery’s proviso of freshwater from Salmon Creek during an atmospheric stream in December 2020 that caused flooding and mudslides crossed nan city.

“We had to prematurely merchandise each those chinook salmon that were successful raceways astatine nan time,” Harms said. “They entered saltwater earlier they were biologically capable to process saltwater and likely, mostly died.”

Most of nan hatchery salmon travel backmost erstwhile they are astir 5 years old, truthful Harms said this summer’s debased tally was expected.

The closure includes Auke Bay, Fritz Cove, Gastineau Channel and areas astir nan Macaulay Salmon Hatchery. Starting Monday astatine midnight, immoderate king salmon caught successful those areas must beryllium released immediately. That argumentation will widen done nan extremity of August.

Closing nan athletics fishery will let much mature chinook to stitchery successful Fish Creek Pond, which is 1 of nan section hatchery merchandise sites. The pond will beryllium missing astir of those five-year-olds, but location should beryllium immoderate 6-year-olds returning.

“And what we scheme to do this year, is usage seine nets to seine up nan pond successful mid to precocious July, erstwhile nan immense mostly of nan food person made it back. And they should conscionable beryllium milling successful that pond waiting to beryllium fresh to spawn,” Harms said. “And we bring them backmost to nan hatchery. We’ve done this successful nan past, successful different years, truthful we cognize it tin beryllium successful if there’s capable food there.”

Most of Juneau’s summertime king salmon travel from hatcheries, while astir of nan chaotic kings make their measurement done nan area to up to nan Taku River, earlier successful nan spring.

DIPAC intends to usage food from nan pond to replenish nan hatchery’s broodstock, which will thief them to prolong summertime king accumulation successful nan future.

“I’m not judge we’ll get our afloat broodstock moreover pinch this closure successful effect, but it’ll put america a batch person to our goal,” Harms said. “Which would successful move make amended sportfishing opportunity for those that want to food successful 5 years time.”

Source Alaska Public
Alaska Public