Netherlands 'maybe overestimate ourselves' - Van Dijk

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Captain Virgil van Dijk says nan Netherlands whitethorn person overestimated themselves going into Euro 2024.

The Dutch only qualified for nan past 16 arsenic 1 of nan champion third-placed finishers aft losing to Austria connected Tuesday.

"I tin wholly understand nan criticism," Van Dijk said.

"Things wide tin and should beryllium better. Maybe we overestimate ourselves."

Ronald Koeman's broadside vanished down France arsenic Austria topped Group D pinch an awesome six points.

The Netherlands, who past won nan European Championship 36 years ago, cognize they are going to person to play overmuch amended to repetition that occurrence successful Germany.

Van Dijk added: "A batch had to beryllium said [following nan conclusion to Austria] and we had to analyse a lot.

"It was not nan strategies wherever things went wrong. It was chiefly nan will to win, truthful we person talked astir that and pinch harsh words."

Van Dijk was heavy criticised by erstwhile midfielder Rafael van der Vaart connected Dutch TV transmission NOS. Van der Vaart accused him of showing a deficiency of passion successful an wide "disgraceful performance" against Austria.

The Liverpool skipper was astatine responsibility for nan 3rd and decisive Austria extremity successful Berlin and nan 32-year-old told nan media connected Friday he knows he has to take sides to a higher standard.

"I'm not stupid," Van Dijk said. "I besides cognize that I tin do amended and that it should beryllium better, and that's what I'm moving on."

The Netherlands play Romania for a spot successful nan quarter-finals connected Tuesday pinch kick-off astatine 17:00 BST connected BBC One.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC