New details: Both hunters shot at grizzly in self-defense Sunday

Trending 3 weeks ago
  Published astatine 11:16 am, September 2, 2024
Grizzly carnivore | record photoA grizzly carnivore connected nan move. | File photo

Idaho Fish and Game has released much specifications astir Sunday’s grizzly onslaught successful Island Park successful nan pursuing news release.

On nan greeting of Sunday, Sept. 1, an archery huntsman was attacked by an big antheral grizzly carnivore westbound of Henrys Lake successful Island Park. The man was hunting elk pinch a friend connected nan Caribou-Targhee National adjacent nan Divide Creek Road erstwhile nan onslaught occurred.

During nan astonishment encounter, 1 of nan hunters was knocked down and bitten by nan bear. Both men were capable to utilize their sidearms to sprout nan bear, deterring nan onslaught and sidesplitting nan bear.

The hunters were capable to telephone 911 and nan injured individual was transported by chopper to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center wherever he is being treated for non-life-threatening injuries.

Fish and Game responded to nan segment aft coordinating pinch Fremont County Sheriff’s Office, Caribou-Targhee National Forest and Emergency Medical Service teams. Conservation Officers conducted a thorough investigation and wished that nan hunters acted successful self-defense during a astonishment brushwood pinch nan carnivore from a very adjacent distance.

“I americium highly grateful that some of these individuals survived this encounter,” says Fish and Game Regional Supervisor Matt Pieron. “I person had nan opportunity to speak pinch nan injured huntsman and his family, and they are genuinely awesome people. I wish him a speedy betterment from his injuries and nan trauma these 2 hunters experienced.”

Grizzly bears are protected nether authorities and national law, and Fish and Game would for illustration to punctual hunters that grizzly bears whitethorn beryllium encountered successful northbound Idaho and nan Greater Yellowstone areas.

Here are immoderate bully reminders erstwhile hunting successful grizzly country:

  • Carry carnivore spray and support it readily accessible.
  • Hunt pinch partners and make each different alert of plans.
  • Look for grizzly carnivore signs, including caller tracks. Let partners cognize if you do spot sign.
  • Retrieve nutrient arsenic quickly arsenic possible.
  • Hang meat, food, and garbage astatine slightest 200 yards from campy and astatine slightest 10 feet disconnected nan ground.
  • When not hunting, make noise, particularly astir creeks and heavy vegetation. Most attacks hap by inadvertently astonishing a carnivore astatine adjacent range.


Source east idaho news
east idaho news