Nominate your Unsung Hero for 2024

Trending 2 hours ago

Nominations are now unfastened for nan BBC Sports Personality of nan Year Unsung Hero grant for 2024.

You tin nominate nan volunteers making your organization amended done athletics connected Unsung Hero aliases Arwr Tawel

All entries must beryllium received earlier 23:59 GMT connected Wednesday, 30 October 2024.

There will beryllium 15 recipients of nan Unsung Hero grant - 1 from each of nan BBC nations and regions. A judging sheet of manufacture professionals will past determine connected 1 wide winner, who will beryllium announced unrecorded astatine nan Sports Personality of nan Year awards show, which will return spot successful December astatine MediaCityUK successful Salford.

Last year's victor was Des Smith - nan "driving force" down Sheffield Caribbean Sports Club since 1986.

Previous winners person taken nan level and grown their nine networks to thief much group locally, made appearances successful nationalist media, joined Olympic bequest boards, worked intimately pinch authorities intelligence wellness initiatives, and consulted connected Home Office projects to thief young group astatine risk.

Dame Laura Kenny - Britain's astir dressed up female Olympian - is nan ambassador for nan award, and spearheading nan run for nominations.

She said: "I was 8 erstwhile I joined Welwyn Wheelers - my section cycling club. If it wasn't for nan dedicated group that ran it, I mightiness not person achieved everything I person successful nan sport. It's truthful important to recognise these clubs and nan group that bring their section communities together done sport."

Alex Kay-Jelski, head of BBC Sport, said: "Behind each champion, medallist aliases grounds holder are nan astir unthinkable group who person spotted them, helped them, driven them, consoled them and made them believe. And they request honouring too.

"It is specified an inspiring award, and I can't hold to find retired nan stories down our 15 winners for 2024."

It's easy: show america - either by penning aliases connected movie - why your nominee deserves to beryllium our Sports Personality of nan Year Unsung Hero.

The nominee must beryllium 16 aliases older and activity aliases unpaid astatine a sports aliases beingness activity nine successful immoderate capacity, whether it's coaching aliases java making. To nominate, you must beryllium complete 18, aliases person consent from personification applicable complete 18.

Head to nan Unsung Hero Award page to make your nomination. Welsh connection entries tin beryllium made done Arwr Tawel

For accusation astir nan award, our judging and really we grip your data, publication our terms and privacy notices.

Enter earlier 23:59 GMT connected Wednesday, 30 October 2024. We can't judge nominations aft this time.

This twelvemonth we will beryllium awarding a victor for each of nan 15 BBC nations and regions. Those winners will past beryllium put guardant to a last judging sheet of manufacture experts who will find nan wide winner, who will beryllium announced unrecorded astatine nan Sports Personality of nan Year awards show.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC