Photo of Bob Ross provided by Bob Ross Inc.. Graphic designed by GBH.

Create your ain masterpiece pinch step-by-step instruction from Nicholas Hankins, Bob Ross Certified Instructor and big of The Joy of Painting pinch Nicholas Hankins: Bob Ross’ Unfinished Season. Whether you’re an knowledgeable creator aliases picking up nan brushwood for nan first time, this is your chance to overgarment for illustration nan myth, nan fable …Bob Ross! Registration includes everything you request to create your masterpiece. Ticket income extremity October 7 for nan continental US and September 16 for Alaska, Hawaii, and Canada.

About Nicholas Hankins
Nicholas Hankins began coating on pinch Bob Ross connected his section nationalist TV position successful 1993. He was conscionable eleven years aged erstwhile he sewage his first Bob Ross overgarment kit, saying he felt “an indelible excitement that time which has grown exponentially complete nan past 3 decades.” Nicholas is simply a Certified Bob Ross Instructor and big of nan caller how-to coating bid The Joy of Painting pinch Nicholas Hankins: Bob Ross’ Unfinished Season.

Tickets see each of nan materials needed to make your Bob Ross masterpiece.

Ticket Includes:

  • Access to nan Zoom Webinar
  • Instruction by Certified Bob Ross Instructor Nicholas Hankins
  • (1) Art kit which includes acrylic overgarment set, brushes, canvas, and palette paper

Ticket income end September 10, truthful motion up now!

PRICE: $179
WHEN: Tuesday, October 29 @ 4 p.m. AKST
WHERE: Online via Zoom
TICKETS: Online at [link] while supplies last.

This arena is presented by GBH pinch support from The Joy of Painting pinch Nicholas Hankins: Bob Ross’ Unfinished Season, American Public Television, Create TV and Bob Ross Inc..