People expect Man City to be wiped 'from face of Earth'

Trending 1 week ago

Pep Guardiola says group expect to spot Manchester City wiped "off nan look of nan Earth" amid nan ongoing hearing into nan club's 115 charges for alleged breaches of nan Premier League's financial rules.

Champions successful six of nan past 7 seasons, City could, successful theory, look a points conclusion superior capable to condemn them to relegation - aliases moreover expulsion - from nan Premier League, if recovered to person breached regulations.

City powerfully contradict each charges but Guardiola believes their Premier League rivals want to spot them punished.

In pursuit of a 5th successive convention triumph, they big title rivals Arsenal connected Sunday (16:30 BST), 1 week into nan expected 10-week hearing.

Guardiola addressed nan proceeding unprompted while answering a mobility astir nan inclination of group to overly criticise isolated bad performances.

"During a season, you tin say, 'Oh, it was a bad season'. But for performances immoderate group say, 'Oh, it's a disgrace, it is simply a disaster, it's unacceptable," Guardiola said.

"No, during 90 minutes it's 1 bad day erstwhile they were better.

"But I would opportunity - I'm sorry, I want to take sides my club, particularly successful these modern days erstwhile everyone is expecting america not [only] to beryllium relegated, to beryllium vanished disconnected nan look of nan Earth, nan world - that we person amended afternoons than nan opponents. That's why we triumph a lot."

It is alleged City breached nan Premier League's financial rules betwixt 2009 and 2018. The nine has won 8 convention titles, aggregate cups and nan Champions League since their 2008 takeover by nan Abu Dhabi United Group.

City were charged and referred to an independent commission successful February 2023 pursuing a four-year investigation.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC