Pocatello man already facing numerous felony charges arrested on drug, gun crimes

Trending 2 days ago
  Published astatine 3:21 pm, July 1, 2024
Brandon Michael HooverBrandon Michael Hoover | Bannock County Jail

POCATELLO — A man constabulary opportunity was recovered successful possession of fentanyl pills, methamphetamine and devices utilized successful nan distribution of narcotics faces galore charges.

Brandon Michael Hoover, 25, has been charged pinch felonies for possession of methamphetamine pinch intent to deliver, unlawful possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of fentanyl pinch intent to deliver, tribunal records show. He besides faces misdemeanor charges for possession of supplier paraphernalia and violating a no-contact order.

May 21

Officers responded to reports of a disturbance astatine a location connected Taekwood Street successful Pocatello, according to an affidavit of probable cause. The unfortunate told officers Hoover deed her successful nan backmost pinch a shot bat.

While investigating nan disturbance, nan officers recovered origin to get a hunt warrant for nan home.

According to nan affidavit, earlier serving nan warrant, officers watched respective “short-duration” stops astatine nan location made by group known to nan officers to beryllium progressive successful nan acquisition and waste of drugs.

While searching nan home, they recovered a Ruger firearm and 64 pills that were “consistent” pinch fentanyl-laced soiled 30s. In nan aforesaid chamber wherever nan weapon and suspected narcotics were found, officers recovered Hoover’s commencement certificate and a “large amount” of clear integrative baggies akin to those utilized successful nan distribution of drugs.

In different rooms of nan house, officers recovered 2 integer scales, astatine slightest 1 of which had a achromatic powdery residue connected it, a portion of burnt foil adjacent 2 fentanyl pills and $1,340 cash.

Police reports do not bespeak erstwhile nan warrant was executed, but charges related to this hunt were not revenge until June 17.

June 17

While connected patrol adjacent Benton Street and Main Street successful Pocatello, a Bannock County Sheriff’s lawman performed a postulation extremity connected a Nissan Altima aft a hunt of nan licence sheet number showed nan registered proprietor had a suspended license, according to an affidavit.

When nan lawman approached nan vehicle, he saw “in plain view” a tooter straw — often utilized to ingest narcotics — adjacent Hoover, nan beforehand spot passenger.

As nan serviceman removed Hoover from nan vehicle, nan affidavit says, he saw nan driver shove thing down nan beforehand of her pants.

During a search, nan driver informed nan lawman that she had stuffed fentanyl pills into her underwear.

Assisting officers, who arrived astatine nan segment during nan search, learned nan driver was nan petitioner successful a no-contact bid against Hoover.

While Hoover was searched, nan lawman recovered astir $1,200.

Inside nan vehicle, connected nan passenger-side floorboard, officers recovered a backpack containing a partially utilized rotation of tinfoil, a mini bagging containing suspected methamphetamine and further quiet baggies.

Officers besides recovered supplier paraphernalia, including a scale, astir 50 clear baggies and galore smoking devices, wrong nan car. Some of nan paraphernalia was recovered wrong a container which besides contained a receipt pinch Hoover’s sanction connected it.

The lawman attempted to mobility Hoover, but he refused, nan affidavit says. He was alternatively taken to Bannock County Jail, wherever he was booked and is being held connected abstracted bonds of $500,000 and $75,000.

Hoover is already group for assemblage proceedings earlier District Judge Javier Gabiola connected Aug. 5 for galore different charges including meth trafficking.

RELATED | A man constabulary opportunity entered a location while moving from officers faces aggregate charges

Though Hoover has been charged pinch these crimes, it does not needfully mean he committed them. Everyone is presumed guiltless until they are proven guilty.

If he is recovered guilty, Hoover would look up to life successful prison.

A preliminary proceeding was waived connected June 25. Another tribunal proceeding has been group for Monday afternoon.


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