Pocatello residents to receive emergency alert notification Saturday as part of test exercise

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The pursuing is simply a news merchandise from nan metropolis of Pocatello.

Pocatello residents successful nan area of South Pocatello will person a TEST Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) notification Saturday astatine 10 a.m. arsenic portion of an yearly interagency occurrence training exercise. No action is needed by residents. For those residents who person nan alert, location is simply a nexus to a three-question study to supply feedback connected really nan notification process works. This workout will thief residents understand really wireless emergency alerts are sent successful nan arena of a real-life emergency and springiness emergency responders opportunities to workout this system.

The WEA strategy is an basal portion of America’s emergency preparedness and nationalist safety. The WEA allows customers who ain compatible mobile devices to person geographically targeted, text-like messages alerting them of imminent threats to information successful their area.

As portion of this exercise, nan Pocatello Fire Department, on pinch representatives from various federal, state, and section agencies, will study astir nan behaviour of wildfire. The time will statesman pinch a briefing astatine nan Incident Command Post located astatine nan Century High School successful Pocatello. After nan briefing, participants will activity done stations involving wildland occurrence strategies and responses. The workout is expected to wrap up astir 12 p.m.

“This is simply a chance to build relationships pinch different responders and found communal consequence strategies and communications,” said Pocatello Fire Chief Ryan O’Hearn. “The interagency training besides provides for smoother operations and a clearer knowing of expectations erstwhile we are nether unrecorded occurrence conditions.”

Residents tin expect to spot accrued postulation successful nan areas astir Century High School during nan exercise.

Source east idaho news
east idaho news