Queensland force women's Origin decider with late win

Trending 3 months ago

2024 Women's State of Origin: Game two

New South Wales (6): 10

Tries: Davis, Penitani Goals: Pearson

Queensland (0): 11

Tries: Ciesiolka, Aiken Goals: Brown Drop-goal: Brown

Lauren Brown's precocious section extremity kept Queensland's Women's State of Origin hopes live arsenic they took nan bid to nan last game.

Brown scored pinch 2 minutes to spell arsenic Queensland hit New South Wales successful beforehand of a grounds crowd of 25,782 successful Newcastle.

Queensland trailed 6-0 astatine half-time aft Sky Blues hooker Keely Davis put nan hosts up successful nan 24th infinitesimal and Rachel Pearson converted, but nan Maroons fought backmost to snatch victory.

Shenae Ciesiolka reduced nan hosts' lead to 6-4, but NSW swiftly deed backmost erstwhile Penitani slammed down successful nan near area only for Pearson to miss her kick.

The visitors past drew nan scores level pinch 9 minutes arsenic Tarryn Aiken went complete and Brown successfully converted.

This is nan first twelvemonth that nan women's Origin has matched nan men's and taken nan shape of a three-game series. It will beryllium decided successful Townsville, Queensland, connected 27 June.

New South Wales: Tonegato, Chapman, Sergis, Kelly (capt), Penitani, Baxter, Pearson, Elliott, Higgins, Johnston, Apps, Clydsdale, Kernick.

Interchanges: Davis, Fuimaono, Kemp, Togatuki.

Queensland: Upton, Robinson, Ciesiolka, Pelite, Paki, Aiken, Brigginshaw (capt), Mato, Brown, Elliston, Rapana, Teitzel, Lofipo.

Interchanges: Brill, Manzelmann, Weale, Joseph.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC