Ravn pulled out of the Aleutians in August. Here’s how residents are coping.

Trending 2 weeks ago
an quiet Ravn alaska counterThe antagonistic astatine Ravn Alaska was quiet aft Ravn suspended work to nan Aluetians. (Andy Lusk/KUCB)

Regional hose Ravn Alaska announced precocious it was stopping work to nan Aleutian Islands. That leaves 3 communities it served, Unalaska, Cold Bay and Sand Point, pinch only 1 commercialized airline. 

Before COVID, nan ferry was a reliable and affordable action for folks on nan Aleutian Chain. But ferry sailings to nan Aleutians were halved successful 2020, pursuing a turbulent play that besides saw commercialized hose recreation to Unalaska halt temporarily. 

This intends options for coming and going successful nan region are limited, though Aleutian Airways, nan remaining provider, says their prices won’t change.

KUCB’s Andy Lusk has been pursuing nan changing recreation scenery successful nan region.

This book has been lightly edited for clarity and length.

Ava White: Ravn announced it would extremity flying to nan Aleutians this summer, but aerial recreation successful nan region has ne'er been easy. Remind america of nan recent history of disrupted recreation to Dutch Harbor.

Andy Lusk: The days of PenAir flying nan Grumman Goose into Dutch Harbor are down us. This existent saga really started successful 2019 erstwhile a fatal clang killed a passenger. When that happened, all commercialized aerial work to Unalaska stopped for weeks. The metropolis passed an emergency resolution to run charter flights and immoderate Unalaskans formed a Facebook group to shape charters themselves — a group that’s still around, by nan way. It was a beautiful large woody for a organization of astir 5,000 people. 

AW: RavnAir Group declared bankruptcy early successful nan pandemic, not agelong aft that clang — is that right?  

AL: That’s right. They revenge successful outpouring of 2020. Later that year, a California-based commuter hose bought immoderate of Ravn’s planes and 2 of their operating certificates. A caller company, Ravn Alaska, formed nether nan activity of CEO Rob McKinney and yet started flying to Unalaska again. 

AW: Got it. And I understand that nan institution replaced McKinney this summer.

AL: There was a slew of shakeups starring up to that. Earlier this year, Ravn laid disconnected much than a 4th of its employees. Then Tom Hsieh replaced McKinney arsenic CEO, which led to Alaska Airlines suspending their mileage-sharing statement pinch Ravn. That’s erstwhile you tin gain aliases usage miles from 1 hose to bargain tickets connected another. 

AW: That’s a winding roadworthy to wherever we are correct now. So, what’s nan existent recreation business successful Unalaska? If I wanted to get location today, really could I go?

AL: With Ravn leaving, your options successful nan Aleutians are diminished. But nan institution will proceed to service a fewer different locations to and from Anchorage: St. Paul, St. Mary’s, Unalakleet, Valdez and Homer. 

Aleutian Airways, which became Ravn’s only commercialized competitor successful Unalaska successful 2022, still serves Unalaska, Cold Bay and Sand Point. Their schedules aren’t changing, truthful what you had earlier pinch them is what you person today. 

AW: And location are charter flights successful and retired of Unalaska.

AL: They’ll costs much but are still an option. The only different measurement — barroom flying your ain puddle jumper aliases riding connected a sportfishing vessel — is to return nan ferry, which comes successful nan summer.

Obviously nan recreation business isn’t ideal, but it’s not nan worst it’s ever been. Airline title was a comparatively caller point present and it looks for illustration it wasn’t meant to last. Other, smaller Alaskan communities for illustration Adak person only 1 airline, too. 

AW: This is suggestive of thing bigger, though.

AL: Absolutely. Alaskans disconnected nan roadworthy strategy are hurting for reliable, affordable recreation options. The ferry, nan Trusty Tusty, is getting up location successful property and sailings are little predominant coming than they were 5 years ago. So, you mightiness look astatine aerial recreation options instead. 

Average information travel airfare betwixt Unalaska and Anchorage is astir $1400 per person. Now ideate trying to recreation arsenic a family. You’re staring down thousands upon thousands of dollars conscionable to get to and from Anchorage, nevermind your last destination. It’s a problem that doesn’t look for illustration it’ll beryllium solved soon.

AW: What makes aerial recreation to Unalaska truthful difficult, conscionable from a method standpoint?

AL: A short runway which isn’t slated to beryllium extended anytime soon. It would return immoderate superior planning. Unalaska’s runway starts and ends astatine a waterline, truthful you’d person to build retired into nan water aliases move it location else. That intends for nan clip being, only smaller planes tin make it successful and retired — not bigger jets for illustration you spot successful Anchorage aliases moreover Adak, which happens to person a agelong runway acknowledgment to a bygone Naval presence. 

AW: So, what’s next?

AL: Folks successful nan Aleutians aren’t strangers to having only 1 hose service nan region, and they’re utilized to steep summons prices — moreover if they aren’t happy astir it. I’m not getting nan consciousness that different institution will measurement in. 

However, an Aleutian Airways spokesperson did opportunity they’re looking to grow their fleet adjacent year. Right now they person 4 Saab 2000s dispersed crossed routes.

ava white

Ava White reports connected economics and hosts nan statewide greeting news astatine Alaska Public Media. Reach her astatine awhite@alaskapublic.org aliases 907-550-8445. Read much astir Ava here.

Source Alaska Public
Alaska Public