Raya makes £27m Arsenal move after season on loan

Trending 2 days ago

Arsenal person activated nan £27m action to permanently bargain Brentford goalkeeper David Raya aft his successful indebtedness spell past season.

Raya, 28, kept 16 Premier League cleanable sheets for nan Gunners to triumph nan Golden Glove, conceding conscionable 16 convention goals successful nan campaign.

Arsenal already had a settled keeper successful Aaron Ramsdale, who had played each 38 of their matches nan erstwhile season, keeping 14 cleanable sheets, but leader Mikel Arteta opted for a caller option.

In August, nan Spaniard signed a caller two-year statement pinch nan Bees earlier joining nan Gunners connected a season-long loan.

"After a twelvemonth connected indebtedness arsenic a Gunner, I tin yet opportunity that I'm an Arsenal subordinate for nan coming years," said Raya.

“I'm excited to spot what nan early holds but ever surviving successful and enjoying nan present."

Arteta added: "He is simply a large beingness successful our dressing room and we are pleased to support moving pinch him.

“We cognize he will return nan beardown foundations he put successful spot past play and build connected them successful nan years to come, and that he will bask much occurrence pinch us."

Raya had an underwhelming commencement to nan season, pinch his lowest constituent coming aft making 2 errors successful Arsenal's last-gasp 4-3 triumph complete Luton successful December.

But he ended up missing only 2 convention matches, erstwhile he was ineligible to look his genitor nine Brentford.

Raya, who was praised by Arteta for his passing retired from nan back, ended immoderate uncertainty astir his position successful March erstwhile he saved two penalties arsenic Arsenal hit Porto successful a shootout to scope nan quarter-finals of nan Champions League.

This made him nan first goalkeeper to make astatine slightest 2 saves successful a Champions League shootout since Petr Cech for Chelsea successful nan 2012 final.

Raya was named successful Spain's Euro 2024 squad, nevertheless he remains down first-choice goalkeeper Unai Simon.

Raya kept a cleanable expanse successful his only Euro 2024 quality against Albania, pinch Spain rotating for their last group-stage triumph aft already qualifying for nan knockouts.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC