Registered sex offender operates ice cream truck in Denver

Trending 1 week ago
  Published astatine 6:43 pm, June 19, 2024

Karen Morfitt, KCNC

Denver crystal pick truckCommunity members successful Denver’s Central Park vicinity person a batch of questions aft discovering a registered activity offender was operating nan vicinity crystal pick truck. | KCNC via CNN Newsource

DENVER (KCNC) — Community members successful Denver’s Central Park vicinity person a batch of questions aft discovering a registered activity offender was operating nan vicinity crystal pick truck.

It started pinch a handwritten note: $22 owed for crystal pick and nan Venmo relationship for that crystal pick motortruck driver that would lead to an unsettling discovery.

“She came location and she said he was ace friendly,” Julie Senger said, of her daughter.

Senger lives successful nan Central Park neighborhood.

Her almost 13-year-old girl and immoderate friends were stepping location from nan F-15 excavation erstwhile they stopped nan “Ice Cream Wagon” to bargain a treat.

“He gave them their crystal cream, they tried to springiness him money and he says he only takes Venmo and, that time, he said, ‘I didn’t recognize you were moving for truthful long, do you guys want to get successful my motortruck and I will springiness you a thrust backmost to nan pool?'” Senger relayed.

The connection instantly made Senger uncomfortable and erstwhile she saw a organization Facebook station detailing a akin incident pinch accusation astir nan driver, Keith Frazier — who they recovered connected nan authorities activity offender website — she panicked.

“My tummy conscionable went successful knots,” she said. “Just very disturbing.”

In 1997, that driver pled blameworthy to indecent vulnerability involving a child; a misdemeanor activity offense. Court documents show that, while moving arsenic a babysitter for 2 9-year-old girls successful Greeley, he was stealing their underwear, masturbating successful beforehand of them and keeping journals astir his clip pinch them.

In 2002, he was convicted of felony burglary, according to an article from nan Greeley Tribune from nan time. The assemblage recovered him blameworthy of breaking into 2 teenage girls’ homes and stealing underwear and photos of them.

He besides has cases for assault, violating a protection bid and respective postulation offenses.

Senger asked, “How did this feline moreover get a occupation pinch this type of company?”

We took that mobility to Denver Police, which, successful a connection said, “Denver Police officers responded to aggregate calls of a suspicious occurrence involving a registered activity offender. DPD has contacted individuals involved. It appears nan individual is successful compliance of activity offender rules. The investigation is ongoing. There are nary further updates astatine this time.”

While Colorado doesn’t person immoderate laws that opportunity wherever a activity offender tin and cannot work, nan City of Denver does person a licensing requirement, some for nan proprietor of nan motortruck and for each individual crystal pick vendor, which does see an FBI inheritance check.

“One of nan main reasons location is simply a licence request for an crystal pick vendor is not conscionable nan nutrient information facet that we want to protect nan nationalist (from), but also, we understand location are a batch of kids who are excited to spot that crystal pick motortruck connected a basking day,” Eric Escudero, a spokesperson for Denver Excise and Licensing, said.

Escudero says they person nary progressive licence for nan institution known arsenic nan “Ice Cream Wagon” aliases for Frazier arsenic a vendor.

While rule enforcement will cheque crystal pick trucks for licensing erstwhile they spot them, nan metropolis relies heavy connected nan nationalist for enforcement, Escudero says.

“If your kids travel up to an crystal pick vendor and that personification is trading it,” he said, “here’s what group request to look for; they request to make judge they spot a badge that’s connected nan beforehand because it is Denver law. If you are a Denver crystal pick vendor, you person to person that badge visibly displayed.”

Senger says for her daughter, location apt won’t beryllium a adjacent time.

“I deliberation this has frightened her enough,” Senger said. “I don’t deliberation she ever really wants to spell to an crystal pick motortruck aft this. I deliberation it’s benignant of ruined it for her.”

CBS News Colorado reached retired to Frazier by telephone and email and did not perceive back. Your interrogator Karen Morfitt besides stopped by nan company’s location successful Commerce City, but nary 1 was there. She did scope personification by telephone and attempted to inquire astir their hiring process and those licensing requirements they aren’t complying with. She was told “there is an investigation that is happening, and we person nary comment.”

Frazier’s photograph has since been removed from nan CBI website; it was put online successful error. Only offenders pinch felony activity convictions are to beryllium shared connected that registry website and his only activity discourtesy was a misdemeanor.

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