Renault staff to strike at plans to end F1 engine programme

Trending 1 month ago

Renault motorsport labor will spell connected onslaught connected Friday successful protestation astatine plans to extremity nan company's Formula 1 motor programme aft adjacent year.

A connection from a unit committee astatine nan Renault motorsport guidelines successful Viry-Chatillon, adjacent Paris, said nan "vast majority" of labor would garbage to work.

A group of unit person besides travelled to nan Italian Grand Prix, wherever they will shape a demonstration.

Renault, which owns nan Alpine squad successful F1, says nary determination has yet been made connected nan motor programme.

However, it is wide expected that nan institution will wantonness its F1 motor task and, from 2026, bargain engines from Mercedes for nan Alpine squad instead. Employees astatine Viry-Chatillon will beryllium moved connected to different motorsport projects.

The scheme is based connected redeeming money, and nan truth that Renault's motor is nan slightest competitory connected nan grid. The institution has struggled ever since nan preamble of hybrid engines successful 2014.

The connection from a unit committee bemoaned nan expected nonaccomplishment of "a rich | history of astir 50 years and 12 world title titles arsenic an motor manufacturer".

Renault's F1 motor programme started successful 1977, erstwhile nan institution pioneered turbo engines successful nan sport. It has won championships pinch Williams, Benetton and Red Bull.

The connection said nan move besides "threatens nan world power of French business excellence".

In a erstwhile statement, nan committee said it was assured from activity already undertaken connected nan motor for caller rules for 2026, which summation nan proportionality of powerfulness supplied by nan hybrid portion of nan motor much than two-fold, that nan task was connected a bully track.

The onslaught successful France will tally for six hours, starting astatine 09:00 section time, pinch nan objection astatine Monza featuring 2 groups dispersed crossed 2 different grandstands.

A banner pinch a "clear and non-aggressive message" would beryllium displayed, it said, advocating for a French motor successful F1.

In nan Alpine car shed trackside labor will, "if possible", show support by wearing achromatic armbands.

The connection said nary action would forestall way operations taking place.

Alpine person been approached for comment.

Source Sport BBC
Sport BBC